JD reminds me of a shapeshifter. He can change from being a shithead to an asshole in under 2 seconds.

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Dude, you made me spit out my smart water ahahahahahaha

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He's more like Shmoo in all the worst ways possible. He has a shape that he can form into others yet they all seem like the worst combos of Dalí and Picasso. Also, his malevolence makes him something to the slime in D&D.

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I have an original copy of Al Capp’s The Shmoo!

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That's cool.

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Being shapeless isn't the same as being a shapeshifter. He's just pouring himself into various containers. A kind of sick defensive rheology.

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It would have been more fitting to use the moniker “creepy” than weird. There’s nothing fun about creepy.

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Agree 100 percent.

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Indeed in hindsight, "weird" wasn't a strong enough label for these total creeps.

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Yup--and now our country will be run by the likes of them!

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& as predicted, they would shamelessly lie, cheat & steal to make that happen.🤬

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I am already bracing for the bloody mass deportations. Who votes for that? Kids will be impacted, even killed. So-called pro-life party salivating at the chance to see innocent children suffer.

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Alicia Norman: Our biggest worry.

The hatred runs so deep, when they implement such sadistic obscene programs to separate families and intern them.

And when the US returns them, where do they go? To bloody regimes?

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I recall a sad story of a young man who begged the government not to return him to his home country (during the Trump administration). He was sent back, and less than a week later, he was killed. That may warm the non-existent heart of Stephen Miller, but I find it haunting and downright disgusting. I will never forgive them for what is coming down the pike Never.

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Creepy stalker, creepy ex-boyfriend, creepy drunk uncle, creepy incel, creepy basement-dweller, creepy Congress critter…

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Yep, Creepy is a much more apt descriptor. They make my skin crawl.

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Add "Expects women to stay in physically violent marriages". How long does she stay? Till he breaks her bones? Till he beats the children too? Till HE KILLS HER? FUCK JD and his 1940's views.

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I’ve been wondering about Justa Dick Vance. Surely Peter Theil won’t allow his boy to get left behind. 😂

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Oh, I am sure some calls will be made, and Vance will pop back into view like magic.

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I'm not sure that Theil might not be on the outs, too. How well does he get along with the Muskrat? MAGA might tolerate a gay billionaire, but I don't see how he could be in any leadership role.

And his statement that he no longer believes that freedom and democracy are compatible is a bit too open for the creeps who are trying to gaslight us while they steal the republic...

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His statement that he no longer believes that freedom and democracy are compatible is a bit too open for the creeps who are trying to gaslight us while they steal the republic...

IKR, part of the grift is plausible deniability--I don't think Vance got that memo.

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Generally, to MAGA "freedom" means the freedom to take others rights away. Most of them are pretty comfortable with taking away other's right to vote, but would probably object to losing THEIR right to vote. I doubt many of them of read Niemöller's quote, and the Theil/Vance position, as you say, exposes the grift. You're not supposed to tell the mark he's being conned...

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Especially if you need the mark to pull off your nefarious plans!

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Shitgibbon knows that Jethro Dull is next in line. Paranoid much?😂😂

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Props for Jethro Dull.

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Right X-D

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HA! Thats a good one, too!

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Junior Dumbshit Bowman Vance has been relegated to coffee boy status. Elmo will try to steal Trump’s limelight and become persona non grata. Gaetz will not close (his deal). I’m not prescient but these idiots wear their stupidity on their sleeves.

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I love your moniker for JD.

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This is a beautiful essay, Alicia. I think it may be your very best. (And that's really saying something!)

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I deeply appreciate that--sending love to you and yours, sis!

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((( )))

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1. (Mom voice) Do NOT feel sorry for him!

2. Marlon Brando in The Wild Ones.

Citizen: What are you rebelling against?

Brando (rolling the tooth pick in his mouth: “Whaddaya got?”

You were exactly where intelligent kids were. Goth is good..

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Thank you. It was a fun time--there is still a wee bit of Goth left in my soul... lol

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I lived to give people fits. 👊🏼

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Indeed there is a chasm between positive unique thinker weird & malignant narcissist 💩🧠 weird.


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Right--you feel comfortable, genuinely loved, and accepted by your fun, quirky, eccentric friends. Creepers like Vance and Musk and Trump et al--not so much. I wouldn't leave a goldfish with those guys!

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I was that weirdo reading the dictionary for fun, also.

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There was just something about words and knowing what they meant--how they could convey ideas. I loved that!

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My mother had a dictionary from when she was in hs. It had a gazetteer in the back full of info on countries and full colour flags. I loved that book.

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Did ya'll ever get the Encyclopedia Britannica--reading that set was fascinating as well...

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My mom had that same dictionary!! I was enthralled. Sometimes when I couldn't sleep, I'd go sit in the never-otherwise-used living room where it was kept and read it to soothe myself. 😆

But what I loved even more was my Grandpa's huge world atlas. I LOVED that book!!! I would look at the maps and come up with stories in my head of what it must be like to live there. Wish it was still that easy to just escape into my imaginary other worlds...

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My T-supporting parents like Vance even more than they like T. I'm not giving him any respect by typing out his made-up name.

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Wow--that is awful--sincerest of hugs from me!

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Lest we forget, the T-word family’s name was previously altered from the true ugly guttural sounding actual name. Pronounced with some disgusting saliva-lubed slosh, their original name ends up more accurately sounding like all the bad shit they do routinely, exemplifying the whole wretched bunch of liars and cheaters. Kind of an *Onomatopoeia*

Also didn’t Lauren Boebert change her name? What is it with these creeps and their identities? Last two words: George Santos 🤮

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Mitt Romney's daughter and law changed her name as well, largely because Trump hated Romney. The GOP needs to change their mascot from the noble elephant to a spineless Jellyfish.

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Agree with my apologies to all decent spineless jellyfish worldwide 😹

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I use the moniker Tr45H or TRE45ON. His name is persona non grata in my house.

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I used to read roget's thesaurus and was a devotee of jean jaques Rousseau by age 12. I knew I subscribed to your essays for a reason lol. Kindred.

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Words are like the ultimate puzzle pieces—they help us organize our thoughts and bring clarity to ideas. Thank you so much—I truly appreciate you!

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I agree, "weird" was not strong enough, and it infringed on my personal prideful ownership of weirdness. I always considered myself weird and I was only friends with "weird" people. We didn't become friends over a shared self-identity of weirdness, we became friends because our weirdness drew us together naturally.

But that said, I honestly got a big kick out of the fact that maga people let themselves be trolled by such an innocuous term. "They're weird" triggered volatile, infantile, whingey responses. "Hey, we're not weird. That's mean. Stop bullying us." After they proclaimed that they were proud to be called racists, misogynists, and bigots. Even "pedophile" did not trigger such strong rebuke as "weird."

Poor self-hating vivek ramaswamy chided democrats who were embracing the fad as "juvenile" and demanded to see policy not playground bullying. Oh vivek, your side's policy was problematic—for you. It was so astoundingly hypocritical and tone-deaf that it probably would have been considered laughable in an alternate dimension.

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But that said, I honestly got a big kick out of the fact that MAGA people let themselves be trolled by such an innocuous term. "They're weird" triggered volatile, infantile, whingey responses. "Hey, we're not weird. That's mean. Stop bullying us."

RIGHT! The fuck your feelings crowd all up in their fee-fees because we were mean to them by calling them weird, so much so, that they voted for Mango Mussolini because being called weird was just beyond the pale.

Whatever helps the MAGA monster sleep at night, I guess.

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If their beliefs weren't so loathsome, I'd find them to be a psychologically fascinating group of people. It really is astounding how much cognitive dissonance they live with to in order to be maga.

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As a weird kid and odd, awkward adult who is learning to embrace myself, all I could think at their hissy fit over weird was the "First time?" meme.

They say the most hateful shit, but cry for the "loss of civility" when they're challenged in any way.

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And it is so annoying--the media enable this shit too. fuck 'em all I say!

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Even I believed Heritage would do article 25 on Trump.

Trump must believe it too.

Trump no matter how crazy&incompetent, Trump will never relinquish power without a squabble.

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An accidental fall down the stairs by Vancy Boy--a fact Trump's reptilian mind is likely aware of...

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The gravity around windows and Russian dissidents is really strong, somehow.

I wouldn't wish a window gravity interaction on anyone, but if I had to say who I'd least *not* wish it on, Great Value Commander Waterford Just Despicable Vance comes to mind quickly.

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LOL right--he is very defenestrate-able.

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Putin is probably very willing to assist.

Sounds as if most world leaders think Musk is on their last nerve, too

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I read that and laughed my ass off--power tripping rich dudes are annoying to everyone, it seems.

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Two narcissists can't exist in the same space.

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There's a scientific law or razor in there somewhere...

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I'd much prefer to be considered weird than be considered a magat! My guess is that JD is getting his marching orders from PT, he'll be coming for Orange Nero (Nero crashed out in a chariot race, never finished, declared himself the winner... sounds familiar!) shortly.

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I agree; the rich and the powerful are chomping at the bit now because they know how easily Trump can be played, somewhat like a fiddle, apologies to Nero--

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Vance is a Manchurian Candidate plant by the money. Trump’s unpredictability is a liability for the business stability that Wall Street requires for ever increasing share values. Trump may have figured that out via Musk.

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Oh 100 percent--the next few years are going to be insane

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Can Vance be replaced as VP unilaterally?

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Not sure...

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Oh he bidding his time waiting on the old mans cholesterol filled heart attack

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At this point, it is merely a countdown 3...2...1...

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Alicia as a goth kid? This I gotta see....

Fuck Vance. He's jelly that Musk has become the first buddy, and no longer gets to eat Mickey D's on the cool plane.

I bet he even has to travel coach.

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Musk the First Buddy, ahahahaha. Right. Vance sold his soul for a dollar, and even that was too high a price for the dinghy thing. Now, I know I got pictures somewhere, if I can find them, I'll share my Gothy-ness with ya'll...

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I am from an era before Goth was a category (graduated early 1980s) but there were plenty of proto-Goths, they were emo. they hung out in the smoking area (in that time there was a hallway of the Quad where students in high school could smoke) and many were band or drama kids.

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Indeed, my daughter told me about this thing called Pastel Goths, which is a very interesting brew.

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Cargo hold!😂

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I'd pay to see pictures of that!

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Can they just drop him for his office ?? That in itself is creepy

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Very much so...

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Good stuff, Alicia!

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Thank you, Leon!

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