Lest we forget, the T-word family’s name was previously altered from the true ugly guttural sounding actual name. Pronounced with some disgusting saliva-lubed slosh, their original name ends up more accurately sounding like all the bad shit they do routinely, exemplifying the whole wretched bunch of liars and cheaters. Kind of an *Onomat…
Lest we forget, the T-word family’s name was previously altered from the true ugly guttural sounding actual name. Pronounced with some disgusting saliva-lubed slosh, their original name ends up more accurately sounding like all the bad shit they do routinely, exemplifying the whole wretched bunch of liars and cheaters. Kind of an *Onomatopoeia*
Also didn’t Lauren Boebert change her name? What is it with these creeps and their identities? Last two words: George Santos 🤮
Mitt Romney's daughter and law changed her name as well, largely because Trump hated Romney. The GOP needs to change their mascot from the noble elephant to a spineless Jellyfish.
Lest we forget, the T-word family’s name was previously altered from the true ugly guttural sounding actual name. Pronounced with some disgusting saliva-lubed slosh, their original name ends up more accurately sounding like all the bad shit they do routinely, exemplifying the whole wretched bunch of liars and cheaters. Kind of an *Onomatopoeia*
Also didn’t Lauren Boebert change her name? What is it with these creeps and their identities? Last two words: George Santos 🤮
Mitt Romney's daughter and law changed her name as well, largely because Trump hated Romney. The GOP needs to change their mascot from the noble elephant to a spineless Jellyfish.
Agree with my apologies to all decent spineless jellyfish worldwide 😹