Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Remember Mad Magazine? So déjà-vu these days..

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Satirists need to retire until the MAGA period is over. Loved Mad Magazine, BTW, lol

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RemovedJan 8Liked by Alicia Norman
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He has to be wiggling his ears in great consternation!

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She was dropped on her head as a child. She just had to be.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Several times

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

😂😂 OMG!!

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I would normally not say that about a human being who had suffered a head trauma, but with Lauren it doesn’t matter; no holds barred with Lauren.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

Indeed, she is awful and I hate what she has done to the image of America. Putin must be so proud.

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"What me worry"?!

I started reading Mad Magazine circa 1957, when I was nine.

YES! It is like Mad Magazine!

Like Ms. Alicia Norman says, Lauren Boebert, the gift that gives, and gives and . . .

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I read my brothers (sacred) stack of them too! Who knew then we’d be a living issue now..

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Oh gosh, well, no surprise here. The police have been called to the Boebert home numerous times, including years before she even got elected. The Denver post has audio of some of these calls, including one where her son (one of them, I’m not sure which, because she has four) called to say his father was beating him up. There’s another 911 audio I remember listening to a couple of years ago, where a drunk Jayson Boebert had gotten in his car and rammed into a bunch of mailboxes because he was pissed at someone in the neighborhood. The call includes the voice of one of the neighbors reporting the incident. And I think it’s common knowledge that Jayson exposed himself to a couple of teenage girls in a bowling alley and was arrested for that. It was all over the news when it happened, but Lauren still claims it never did. Also just a minor correction: She is moving to the fourth district not the 14th. Colorado has only eight districts. I think we could happily consider her gone. She’s not going to make it through the primary in district 4. Even if this hadn’t happened, she’s not going to get through that primary, because the candidates running against her in that primary all have solid careers and are established members of that community. If I get an alert from Colorado Public Radio with updates, I’ll share it with you. I’ve been staying away from the news, but this kind of caught my eye. 😂😂

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Hey, thanks for the correction! And yes--I could tell she has long been trashy--no one is that awful as a recent development. she has years to become that privileged and odious. can't wait to see the backside of her alongside Trump and his Melania 2.0 side piece, Alina.

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No, there have been 911 calls to that home going back a decade. This is an enormous district. If you just Google Colorado district 3 and look at the map, you’ll see it covers half the state. The area that she is from is very MAGA, and there are a couple of other pockets like that, but there are plenty of Democrats and independents in this district as well. By the way, Lauren Boebert was born in Florida. She is the product of a one night stand that her mother had with a pro wrestler. Then she moved with the daughter to Denver at some point in time, not sure when, and then after that at some point, Lauren migrated to Western Colorado.

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Also, I can’t actually prove this story about her mother and her birth in Florida, but that news has been circulating since she started to hold office.

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Well, it was bound to happen. 🙄 She loves public performances of all types. We've had foreplay in public with a boyfriend and now a physical brawl with her ex. 🙄

Gods, she's such a cunt.


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I absolutely cannot stand her or Alina! They validate everything jerks think about women with power or prestige. Sad too , when there are so many more great examples out there of capable business women. Unfortunately, we know what MAGA will use as examples; pretty, vacuous Bobbleheads.

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Well, I know this is petty but I don't find any of them "pretty" or attractive. Duck lips and skin tight dresses - cheap and tacky.

So I'm petty 🤷‍♀️. Fucking cunts, all of them....

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Trash in, trash out. I saw an interview with John Padora who will be one of the Democrats running. Seems like a good man. Now I see Mike Lynch is another R running against BoBo in her new district (it’s funny how she and the other trash queen Greene are moving to other districts when they see the tide turning against them). I wish any Dem much luck in that red district.

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Yeah, it may not end up being BoBo but maybe it will be a less odious Republican? Dare to dream?

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

The district she’s leaving, which is my district, has a very good chance of flipping now. The Democrat running against her (and now some new Republican) has excellent name recognition and almost beat her last year. District 4 is very, very conservative, but she’s already destroyed her reputation so she has no chance in that primary.

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Love Adam, I hope he trounces the new Republican challenger.

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Yes!! We do need that seat. Not just for Colorado but for whole country. Three of the eight districts in Colorado are Republican. This is the one that has the best chance of flipping because it has the most diverse population, including two large Native American reservations that the governor just set up for automatic voter registration. He is working with the Native American Rights Fund to get every eligible Native American in Colorado registered. Love Governor Polis!

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I’m assuming you mean Adam Frisch. Good man, I’ve contributed to him.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes, he’s awesome. He is the perfect moderate Democrat for a district like this that is relatively conservative, but not hard-core conservative.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I’m really glad. I have a friend in the 3rd and she’s so fucking sick of Boobert as any sane person should be.

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Wouldn't it be great if we manage to flip several districts blue and get decent majorities in the House and Senate?

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

The court in New York that struck down those gerrymandered districts north of New York City is going to create an opportunity for us too. We could literally pick up five seats in New York state, including the one that Santos has vacated. I think that special election is coming up in March.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I’m hoping! We need to move forward not backward. Tired of running to stand still.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

She’s vomit inducing. And here’s one thing I’ve noticed, years ago, I used to see her posters everywhere. I have not passed by a Boebert for Congress poster or yard sign in many many months, and this was before she even announced her switcheroo. And in the past year, I’ve done a lot of traveling in this huge district north and south, because I have friends all over the place.

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A very very good sign, no pun intended, lol!

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Reactionary with little impulse control like her dear leader. Thankfully, that is her Achilles heel--if we exploit it, Dems may be bale to steal a few elections and stave off a red wave.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I often feel sorry for people who are this fucked up, excuse my French, but I can’t even feel sorry for her. She deserves everything that’s coming down the pike, and none of it is going to be good.

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Indeed, because it is one thing to be dumb and another to be cruel, mean, selfish and dumb. I know some people who may not be the brightest or most educated per se, but they are kind and good people. Boebert is far, far, far from that.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

You can take the girl out of the trailer park but not the trailer park out of the girl...The woman is a national embarrassment she’ll more than likely get tossed. Next Rep. I’d to see lose badly is Marjorie Trailer Queen realistically if just a few of the loud mouth MAGATS lose that would be enough to save Congress from Trumps machinations if he were to win that is...

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I agree! Shoe horn all the MAGA loudmouths out--Gaetz too--we may just save the Republic.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Trash is as trash does.

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*fist bump* Right!

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I´ll put 20$ on her having punched him in the face multiple times. Maybe he asked about the movie theatre thing.


rotten heart attached to a rotten brain

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I did wonder myself. Jayson seems as if he is still in love with her--heaven knows why, and he got in a few not so delicate digs. This likely pissed her off and she repeatedly punched him. Now, because it looks bad she is claiming self-defense. What an absolutely dick move, but then, I am not in the least bit surprised.

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I´d also put money on her being a BPD. That´s very typical of those folks, and people involved with BPDs are notorious for feeling the BPD is ´the world´.


i sorta feel sorry for him - sorta

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

The tell-alls from her kids are going to be wild.


assuming they aren´t too messed up to write them

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They may hire ghostwriters but yeah, those poor kiddos--I hope they have a positive, stabilizing voice in their lives.

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Oe wonders how they manage to do that...?

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Dayum. Drug testing should be mandatory for congress😆

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Civic and psychological testing as well, lol!!!

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Definitely. Although they seem to be publicly failing those every day 😆

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Ahahahahahaha, true!

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Democrats need to use Boebert’s antics for a national ad campaign aimed at showing America who and what the MAGAts are. The goal should be for anyone with even the slightest shred of human decency to feel repulsion for those people and to readily cast them out of their lives. The more disgust the MAGAts arouse, the easier it is to vote against their candidates.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

I agree--these folks are our representatives. They are supposed to be the very best America has to offer, not the absolute worst. No corporation would spend millions of dollars on a brand ambassador that made their product look bad. Dems need to take off the kid gloves, democracy is at stake!

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I had to put on my glasses to read this one. Just when you think Boebert can’t go any lower. She is the limbo reigning champion for January so far, but it’s early days. I’m confident someone will come along shortly and take that crown right off her, wherever she’s placed it.

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Right, and it may not even be MTG. I am beyond frightened to think there could conceivably be worse out there than those two when it comes to female representatives. What a disgrace to our nation. The world is laughing at us.

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Lowrent Blowbert... Damn, I am beginning to feel like I'm making fun of someone who is mentally handicapped. I feel sorry for her husband, I mean knowing your wife lucked Ted Cruise as a paid escort and then she kicks your ass as well. Eeewww!

Blowbert is the epitome of what the republicans have become, the party of amoral, ignorant, white trash, blowhards!

Now I wish Blowbert would just go ahead and get her sex tape out of the way so we can get back to real politics after a visit to a clorox eye wash station.

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You can't make this stuff up. More bat-shit on the Reich.

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I'm late to this news....dear God! She's not good enough to be called trash. 🙄

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deletedJan 8Liked by Alicia Norman
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Yep--I would say her hubris got the better of her but I doubt she would even know what that is or how to access that kind of self-awareness. She is just a trashy human who got some nincompoop to invest in her. I believe you are right--her mysterious benefactor (s) wanted low rent, easier to control Sarah Palin--and boy howdy did they ever get one, lol!

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RemovedJan 8Liked by Alicia Norman
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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

She maybe working shifts with Alina Habba Dabba do in the very near future.

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Hopefully the very, very, VERY near future.

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Good point.

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RemovedJan 8Liked by Alicia Norman
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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

She is not just an unbelievable embarrassment to my district. I mean even some people I know who voted for her are disgusted; but she’s an embarrassment to the whole state of Colorado. We are better than this. She really is the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats.

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So you think it is really possible she could be drummed out of congress?

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

I don’t think she would ever be ejected from Congress, like George Santos, because they’d have to do an ethics investigation, and find something really terrible. But her career is over because she’s moving to another district, knowing that she can’t win in my district anymore, and she’s not going to make it through that primary. I would bet my bottom dollar on it, so she’s done by the end of this year.

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That is so awesome!

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Those poor kids! No one deserves to be raised by either of them. Talk about traumatic childhood! Also: I want video🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

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Jan 8Liked by Alicia Norman

Maybe Kitara Ravache can join Lauren and Alina in their new escort business, since he/she is out of a job now too. What a threesome!

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But It would be opposite of the Bunny Ranch--I shudder to think of the names they could come up with.

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deletedJan 8Liked by Alicia Norman
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OMG ahahahahahaha!

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