Cenk has a long and proud history of being a fuck stain. He also has a fairly low opinion of women in general. Like a lot of men, he gets a lot more progressive cred than he's due by all rights.

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Exactly right, I mean, just because you might be, let's say, pro-choice doesn't mean you are pro-woman. I cannot stand that guy.

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I'm much more inclined to appreciate his nephew Hasan Piker, if I'm being honest.

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Really--does he have a channel?

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I know he's on YouTube. He's worth checking out. Also, he is quite adorable. Lol

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Nice--thanks for the recommendation!

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They push 3rd party candidates that could kneecap Kamala’s chance of winning.

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I don't always agree with Hasan, but he's much more likeable than his uncle cenk and I'm more aligned on opinions with him.

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And I looked him up--Yowzah what a hottie by Scotty!

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Riiiiggghhhttt? I know I have been guilty of having many impure thoughts regarding Hasan Piker. 🤣

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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

Thought he was anti Trump

Not lately seems.

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Hasan Piker? I haven't watched him in quite a while. Has he had a trump conversion? That would legit break my heart.

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Oh noes--what happened?

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

I never could stand watching The Yakking Twats, and Cenk can join the rest of the shitheads in Gofuckyourselfistan.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Same--they are the very interpretation of Liberal elites that MAGA claims we all are. They do not represent me or my ideals. So sad no one supported your presidential bid, Cenk--get over yourself.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

To me they represent left wing extremism, the radical left, the kind Trump wants to deport.

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That’s right! I completely forgot that Cenk was attempting to run for president, despite NOT having been hatched in the U.S. Just a minor detail - lol.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Thats brilliant. "the rest of the shitheads in Gofuckyourselfistan." HAHA

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I know, right--stolen in 0.5 seconds!

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May their popularity dwindle.

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fingers crossed...

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That’s even farther than Fuckistan! Trans-Fuckistan, across the wide Fuckov river and past the Buggerov plateau. Not an easy commute! The Fuckistanians consider the Gofuckerselfstan people peasants and drunk sheep herders.

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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

Yep that’s what they are. Annoying

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He’s always been as asshole! Frankly, most people couldn’t give a fuck about and his ugly face! Fuck him. What he’s doing will backfire on him!

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I sincerely hope so. I wanted to give him a shot and a chance, but those two videos and Cenk and David's smugness turned me off completely.

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He’s a big mouth.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

I used to watch TYT now and again, but they changed direction years ago and not in the best interest of the country (but their own I guess). I said fuckity-bye to that noise.

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Yes, same... maybe they are becoming old men who yell at clouds.

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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

I missed the about turn. I thought they were anti Trump. But then so was bash and tapper


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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

I think they still are anti-trump but have hitched purity ponies to their wagon

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They are anti-trump, but as Kay-el said, they also tend to be purist who will throw behind third parties when they don't get their way.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

CENK! Whatta MFer. This a great column, Alicia. Watch Politics Girl on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/IAmPoliticsGirl/videos/328187117012360

She can tell Cenk was Kamala has done...which is a shit ton. And your comment: "Are you HIGH?" That made me spit my drink! HAHA!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

LOL, thanks... they know the Republicans are gonna sue and try to slow down the process--we need not waste any time. Thanks for the link; I love Leigh!

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Speaking of Facebook, between my location, and the people on my friends list...I had to take a short break from it after I saw about the 400th profile pic as Donald Trump with a Stayfree JB welded to his head. I couldn't take it anymore. I got back on after Kamala spoke in Milwaukee. 😆

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

Yeah, I had to take a break. MAGA jerk offs were becoming more obnoxious and mean-spirited than usual.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Didn’t we learn in 2016, Cenk Ungar is not to be believed

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I would hope so--I am surprised he even still has a channel.

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I haven't unsubbed yet, but I haven't been watching since Mid-June. I have long been a person who was concerned about Joe being able to win and have a successful 2nd term. I am beyond thrilled with Kamala. I have never been this excited about a candidate in my lifetime and I've been voting since 1996.

I wish they would just take the fucking win, but nope. They remind me of what my Dad would say to me when I was acting like a spoiled brat as a teenager, "you'd complain that your asshole hurt if you were shitting gold coins."

Kamala will move the ball down the field for this country. She's in the best position to do this under all circumstances. There will be BS lawsuits filed by the dipshiticans that will eat away time. There is the matter of transferring the war chest. This is not the election to ask for a Soda machine in the lunchroom at school. We need a winnable candidate we can move forward quickly, and we have it. I really wish they would focus on positive messaging

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Me too--the negativity can deeply impact elections--Cenk knows that by now! Yes--once upon a time fan, but not anymore.

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I like your dad.

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He never wasted time with word salad. You always knew where you stood with him 😆

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He sounded like a solid man and treated you like a human with a brain and not a child... good on him.

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With a background of “you'd complain that your asshole hurt if you were shitting gold coins" the even more brilliant “just take the fucking win” follows perfectly.

Speaking of follows, YES to you.

In the meantime, I shall “focus on positive messaging.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Never heard of Cenk...guess I didn't miss anything.

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TYT was very cool in its infancy. I am not quite sure what happened.

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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

A bunch of narcissists I guess. Jumped on the "left" bandwagon when they thought it was cool and gave them cachet.

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Jul 27Liked by Alicia Norman

Drank the koolaide. I guess the simplest explain is good.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Same here. Googled TYT just now and learned the show has a 5.4 out of 10 ranking on IMDB. 🤣🤣🤣

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Awww dayum, I did not know that. Good. Karma coming home to roost.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

I used to watch TYT for a different perspective, but that was a few years ago. When they started going after Joe Biden, I could see what was coming - they were trying to sway people towards third party candidates. I unsubscribed in disgust.

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Right--he might as well go ahead and say he is voting for RFK.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Oh gosh, Cenk again. No one is listening to you anymore.

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And more people need to recognize how far up his own ass he has gotten. Uygur has let Dude Bro praise rot his brain and take his soul.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

I always thought something was off about him.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

I'm sure his 12 fans are very impressed. AFAIC, he's a nobody and a wannabe and always will be. That's why he's such a bitter douchebag.

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I think he also wanted to run, and no one would have him, likely for being such a divisive figure.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Exactly. It's tough to win elections when nobody likes you.

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Ever since Bernie Flopped, Cenk hasn't been the same.

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Damn, does he need a hug? LOL!

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I think everyone does nowadays. 🤗

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I have no patience for Cenk and his shenanigans. I turned off TYT 2 years ago. He can go jump in a lake.

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Man, I wish I had taken your lead a few years ago--yikes on bikes!

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I liked how the young turks sounded rational when they had a pledge drive and then right back to their Bernie bro bullshit (Jimmy Dore being one of the dumbest).

When I found out that screaming leftist nazi Boi hassanabi was cenks nephew (and basically used cenk money to build up his screaming youtube presence) I was not surprised.

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Right--it is so annoying. The TYT crew is starting to climb right next to Bill Maher in the "what the fuck happened to you" category.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Always remember, and never forget, Cenk's a schmendrick.

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Okay, that made me literally laugh out loud! Well done! By the bye, what is a schmendrick...

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Schmendrick is a very good Yiddish word sometimes defined as "a stupid person or a little hapless jerk."

I'm liking the second part.

I picked it up from the classic movie "Robin and the Seven Hoods"...

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Yiddish is a very descriptive language.

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And Scottish--the insults are superb!

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Definitely! In general, I think all the various populations of the British Isles demonstrate a remarkable mastery of the art of the insult...

TFG would never have survived in the UK, where it seems fair game to insult right back. His pathetic middle school nicknames would've got him laughed right out of the government, and he's such an easy target.

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Oh indeed, here we claim to be freedom loving, and the right certainly hates wokeism and cancel culture, but they want to police the speech of the left and cry about being called Nazis... pure shame. Maybe Donnie would have hid his face in shame and become a recluse sparing the world his vile presence.

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Ahhhh--oh such an apt description. I must add this to my personal vocab!

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Ugh. Who TF is this guy Cenk Unger, Alicia? If he's anything like evil witch Ann Colter's bff, Bill Maher, he's among the worst of all talking heads.

"You wouldn’t know any of that by watching TYT, who say Kamala is behind Trump by at least 4-9 points in some polls.

Like Bill Maher, Ana Kasparian, and Cenk Unger love their bothsiderism nonsense. "

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Not as bad as Maher but getting pretty damned close.

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Whoa. Seriously what makes these fools sell out? I'll never understand.

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Jul 25Liked by Alicia Norman

Desperately trying to stay relevant as the cool kids of every generation pass them by? (I mean Bill Maher. That fuck is older than me.)

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Maher is such a clown. He should have stopped in his glory days co-starring in Murder She Wrote in the 1980s 😆 But I guess it's all about the almighty dollar with these guys.

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Cenk Uyghur ran for president and thought no one would notice he was born in Turkey? Or notice this; Article II, Section 1 … "no person except a natural born citizen" can be president?

Only because I learn from and respect Alicia’s commenters am I this far.

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Holy crap! That should be a felony.

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