We must save democracy for the younger folks to have a chance. Like Joe said this election will matter for decades to come.

More is at stake than Kamala Harris becoming president. Joe's historic point is that he worked for us. He served us. That's what a president does in a DEMOCRACY. If you want change you can vote them out like we did in 2020.

If we have a dictator we serve the dictator. Our rights won't matter any more. We will no longer be free. That's why we fought the revolutionary war. Rather than fight another revolutionary war your choice is to vote democratic until there is a second party to choose from that will abide by democratic principles and agree to a peaceful transfer of power. NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME!!!

The prosecutor should be chosen over the felon! Period.

In fact, I already ordered this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" t-shirt 👇 🤣


Let’s get to work. We have a Democracy to save!

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Niiioce--I want a pink K-Hive one!

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Me too!

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You can take our lives, but you'll never take our straws just doesn't seem like an effective rallying cry, but I'm not a magafreak so who knows?

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Jul 27
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I can just picture angry red hats wearing battle paint on their faces and jumbo straws high as they rush into battle--with absolutely no one there to fight them, LOL!

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I really wonder what people think the criteria is for picking a VP. Whatever reasons Biden had for Harris, she is eminently more qualified than Mike Pence, Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, Paul Ryan, Spiro Agnew ever were in terms of intelligence, experience and understanding democracy, and no one threw hissy fits over their candidacies.

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Not to mention Vance whose only qualifications appear to be rich friends and a big mouth.

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Nope, just over the Black ones and then cry foul when we point out their White hoods are showing.

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You can take our lives, but you'll never take our straws just doesn't seem like an effective rallying cry, but I'm not a magafreak so who knows?

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Dang, the dreaded double-tap. Sorry guys, I'm just old and confused.

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Me too! LOL

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You’re not alone. :)

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A lot of people assume I'm like them until I open my mouth. As a result, I've heard the opening segue to people like your friend Chris' 'reasonable, totally non-racist and color-blind' manifesto. We don't generally get very far along, but I know the type very well.

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Indeed, one wonders if they even understand the inherent racism in their statements—or do they think they are fair in their assessments? Is it merely ignorance, or is it a combo of both? Willful blindness? It's so hard to say, but I think education and pushback are key, so thank you for joining the fight!

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It may or may not be conscious racism (it usually is in my experience), but I don't think it makes a difference. The end result is the same either way.

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Exactly... the banality of evil as it were.

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Thank you, Alicia. Your clarification with illustrations should be spread far and wide. So I’ll start by restacking here.

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Thank you, Katherine! These anti-DEI folks haven't a clue, but we are about to provide it.

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DEI, the insane clown’s posse trying to make it a racist slur. Check. I guarantee the gibbering dog whistles will proliferate, alas

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Yes--but pushing back will help Kamala and maybe educate the few tools willing to listen.

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Agreed. I should be more optimistic. Keep up the fine work!

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Biden specified ethnicity when selecting Brown Jackson. And diversity is essential if the criticism inherent to critical legal studies is to be negated. She also happens to be a brilliant jurist. I watched her give a master class in proportionality at her senate hearing. It was not something I knew about at all. I do now and it’s crucial to me personally. I have read her opinions since. She wrote the dissent in Snyder. She is absolutely right.

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Indeed, but they gloss over the brilliance and intelligence of any minority they encounter and come up with gross labels and fire out of fear and hate--it is disgusting, but for some reason people seem to be seeing through it more than normal. I think Trump is just that odious a candidate that it is opening their eyes to the fake attacks of the Right.

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I love the 'most qualified person among 8% of the population" bit. Like she didn't have to work twice as hard just to get her foot in the door, and we just needed a random Black person and "Hey, there's one". As if it's so easy for Black ladies (or men) to become VP or POTUS that our history is just littered with them. Or maybe it's just 'too soon' and 'the country isn't ready...blah, blah, blah".

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Right--there is never a "right time" and in some cases that aspect is right. You have to "make it" the Right Time.

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Damn straight, Alicia!

I was with her when her name was dropped in the bucket as a potential candidate! I wanted her to get it, and she did! She’s made history already, and will continue to do so, and the other side’s comments are irrelevant, because they’re irrelevant!

They’re the irrelevant team we have to beat in November! Bring it on! Ya’ll better run to the polls and make this happen!

Kamala 2024 💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"She’s made history already, and will continue to do so, and the other side’s comments are irrelevant, because they’re irrelevant!"

A hearty R'amen, Kelly!

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Brava, you!

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Perfectly written, Alicia!

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Awesome essay Alicia!

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Thank you so much, Chris!

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You are 100% correct. And Harris is absolutely the best, most qualified and best positioned person in the country for both the job of the 47th POTUS and defeating the evil facist/autocratic criminal that the Republicans put up as their candidate. No contest.

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Great stack. I'm just a childless cat lady who is unhappy so I get no say in democracy. Oh right, neither does the DEI pick.

The authors of P25 want a white, non-diverse, non-inclusive, non-female, non-choice, non-funded, non-and-non everything. It reads like a mandate from a dystopian novel. Wait, it is. It is "we don't like anything past shhhh....slavery". We want white have everything, a few women who are handmaidens and everyone else, can FO. Sorry.

I give a damn about Thomas thanking AA then choosing to end it. I'd like a word with his wife. He's pond scum, as are the Alito's and Martha Ann's lagoon view, Gorsuch who's mother got pounded, by democrats when heading the EPA, I like Beer and to assault women whilst drinking said beer, the "let's all adopt and have the men make our familial decisions, but I have a great paying career so, if things changed it's all cool, and the peen-less Roberts.

KBJ made the best statement in the immunity case in oral arguments and made the best dissent point in ending AA. Yeah, the Constitution may be colorblind but ain't so with society at large.

Harris is more qualified than a 6X bankrupt/corrupt businessman reality TV star, forget the rest, gone puppet for Putin, Christian Nationalists and those wanting to defend R.E. Lee.

People throw terminology around everyday with a. not knowing anything or b. out of context in, mostly, opinionated form.

I don't have the black experience nor do they (white people--all white people and all non-black people). I don't have the peen problem but I have the problem of those peen-less, opining that vagina=income, family=great kids, abortion bans=successful families, drug tests for SNAP benefits(example)=the same as the wealthy actually paying taxes, Reagan=great guy, border=drugs/crime exclusively, gender=witches who can't be defined but bleed, and the man representing P25 is all things not P25 but not in a good way.

I could ramble for hours on things but I feel bad for Joe because he's decent and has done so much, out of that decency, WITH HARRIS, but the country needs Harris to beat a felon, I can't believe when I actually use that word as people scream DEI and Mountain Dew things.

Harris is not relatable to those who hate anything and everything and everyone and must blame someone something, on something or someone, they haven't a clue why they don't have it or hate it. Hope everyone gets me on this!

Thanks and cheers to Team Harris! She's brat or so this old gal has heard :)

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It’s bad enough that blacks in general are not treated like humans, I had to work hard in the military just to be on the bottom rung of the ladder. Being the smartest person doesn’t make you better than anyone else. I trained others for jobs that I had just to see them get ahead of me. Then I dumb down and let them fend for themselves. I stopped doing the above and beyond for others. I was always called on to help them to make their jobs easier and more productive. I was considered the clean up person. Go to this unit fix it, then some other unit fix that and so on. I know that vice president Harris has been a great leader, she worked hard for everything she has accomplished. You can’t sleep your way to greatness. Her record speaks volumes about her accomplishments. Compared to others, she’s the most qualified.

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Thank you for the reply and your experience. I've used the phrase "I don't have the black experience" in a respectful way that states the obvious. Most are, like yourself, and share stories and understand while others take it as a racist statement.

Being genuine is stating you don't get something and asking. Whether one ever understands isn't the point. It is a way to open up dialogue in a constructive manner.

I get told by my friend of 40 years who lives outside Chicago, where I am from, I can't talk politics or religion because etiquette dictates so. She states this as an educator, but I felt like a rock had been slung my way then she asked me why everything I speak of with politics has to do with slavery?

I read a book by Adam Serwer, called Cruelty is the Point, then on to many others. Books, however, are of no use unless one can compare and contrast what has been read, ask genuine questions, become open and listen. Ever since DJT fell onto the scene I knew what was already unbearable was going to get even more than unbearable.

Floyd's death was the first for me to see, not read, the experience of one man, one addict, one officer, one young woman filming and a callous debate about why the man deserved to die because of fentanyl and a possible counterfeit 20 dollar bill to buy smokes. HE'S BLACK. Then compared that to January 6th. I thought I'd lose my mind.

I'm in recovery and I'd pass the same 20 dollar bill to get smokes yet I'd be alive. I use this one example of many. Your story is you worked hard, filled the crap jobs and learned to stop doing your best due to the treatment you received.

That is the cycle no one sees or sees and won't be part of the solution but, rather, wants to continue the degradation of what is seen as what they hate, don't understand, or need to control. Being a black woman is a double negative that doesn't fit the traditional double negative equals a positive.

I hope Harris bears down on what she can. She is still a politician but her heart seems to be more in the humanity than humility position. The former needs a fighter. The latter needs a kiss ass. Sure, she's got a lot of uphill and can't change the world or its views but I believe she is a tremendous start. Obama was still a man, and I loved the White House he created to be revered, with Michelle and his kids. This is a whole new ball game.

Harris is ready and so far she's doing the exact right thing in just a few days that haven't happened, to this degree, prior. And the media can suck it. Again, thank you!

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Thank you for your words. You understand what I meant. Yes I worked very hard and was also mistreated and my older son hated that I dumbed down. He was about ten and he asked me why did I do his father’s work at home. Why did I do other people work. I told him so that they could get ahead of. He said why don’t you use it for yourself. I wouldn’t say. I was too ashamed. Still am.

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Shame is a beast. A monkey on your back for life no matter what anyone says. Stay true but remember while the shame is there be kind, when you can, to YOU, as I do understand and I wish I wouldn't need to because I don't blame you but I sure recognize how opportunity turns against the best of intentions pretty quick when you recognize the truth.

Families aren't what people think. Project 2025 is a cruel reminder of that. Hindsight is precious stuff and, though, my mother and I don't speak, she was the product of abuse, neglect, abandonment and rejection, and I went along for the ride, she's found no cure for her own shameful abuse of others as a way to vindicate her situation and it is cruel and I had to let her go when I got sober.

She did what she did the best as she could but 30+ years later she just couldn't be decent and talk about things. As an adult child of this and my own BS I'd have appreciated that from her as I never blamed her. Instead she has turned her back on reality, supports Trump, manipulates and controls, through vindictive ways. I would have embraced her brokenness but not this. Whatever "this" is. Always know people who haven't a clue about your life know what is real about a person if they have sense and intuition. I think mine is right on point hearing you.

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Alicia Norman: You are a dear friend with a beautiful, beautiful soul, and then I had to see a picture of Shorn Vanity.

Yeah, swallowing the Kool-Aid about DEI implying something lacking in the person.

Alicia Norman: These ignoramuses won't change their minds, or at least won't change them in time . . .

My goal: Single focus on Happy Warrior Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is so accomplished and such a happy warrior that I am immune to Jim Burchett and his dupes.

Look: I see a beautiful, powerful person on TV RIGHT NOW: Not Shorn Vanity. But Simone Biles.

What does your poor reader say. Well, you know, she represents only 8% before the Olympics, tsk, tsk.

That is SO STUPID.

We all know what Simone Biles is made of. Anyone who would say, "Well, you know, but only 8% . . ."

Some things are TOO STUPID TO ANSWER.

Kamala Harris is like Simone Biles: Olympic quality.

That is why our Presidential Olympic Star runs the long race and will mop the floor with an Orange-Broom!

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