Well said. And I love that Laura Windsor idea.

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Me too--we need to push for that while the iron is hot and Republicans cannot pretend they weren't all about it! Watch them backtrack faster than a Cirque du Soliel acrobat on a unicycle.

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"Watch them backtrack faster than a Cirque du Soliel acrobat on a unicycle."

That is literary genius, folks!

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Jun 13Liked by Alicia Norman

"I am so tired of these bratty, disingenuous, entitled, and pugnacious morons I don’t know what to do." Alicia, I share your feelings of fed up. Fed up to the top of my head. Drowning in fed up. MAGA truly is a macro example of deSade's inmates running the asylum. In this case the asylum includes the House of Representatives, that thing that used to be called the Republican Party, and the Supreme Court, which by any sane standard is no longer supreme and no longer a Court by any realistic legal definition of that term. So fed up about sums it up.

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Indeed--and scared--I think we will have a real fight on our hands to return compassion, love and decency to the US of A...

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The "real fight" to return compassion, love and decency to the United States will be led by women, and in particular women of color. Throughout history they have been the vanguard in the societal march toward greater human decency.

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Always remember, because I will never forget or forgive, in 1991 when misogynist white men caved, white men including Senate Judiciary Chairman Joe Biden lost all courage and resolve. In that craven time, there was one woman, one hero, Anita Hill, who stood firm and told the truth about Clarence Thomas and these white men did not want to hear it and would not listen. It was intended to be a rubber stamp appointment. And by god, that's what they were about. And this intelligent, highly educated Professor and Black woman tried desperately to make these white men, including Joe Biden, listen and understand what they were about to do was wrong... just plain wrong and unpatriotic. And of course, they didn't listen. And now 30 + years later, we all know the rest of the story.

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The Obscene Court….

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Jun 13Liked by Alicia Norman

I just can't stand them. I'm hoping though that anyone still dithering about voting for Biden because of whatever, looks long and hard at Biden comforting his son.

Figuratively, our President is the father of the country. Biden has great parenting skills, and is capable of strong leadership. Trump is the guy who marries the sexy homemaker, and locks the step-children up in the barn.

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Best damn description of Trump and his acolytes that I have ever heard. Spot on!

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He's Mom's first husband, who refused to leave after the divorce.

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How about raising your children with some morality? You may ask what is morality? Which is what I would expect from those that have no idea OR NO MORALS!

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Like the Trumps?

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I don’t think any of the Trump children had or have drug issues, gun issues, etc., just do some research instead of spouting off MSM talking points…and for your knowledge I do not watch FOX!

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Jun 14Liked by Alicia Norman

No drug or gun issues?? What fucking world do you live in?? Don Jr. has an arsenal and is coked up 24-7. Take your troll ass somewhere else!!

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Thank you kind sir…and you have a pleasant day also…see no vulgarity needed…try it some time…may elevate your level of communication…

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Okay, let's elevate. You think Black People should have less rights and access to opportunity and believe women would be forced to have rape babies or babies that could kill them. That grown men should marry little girls legally and ten years old should have children. You think you should force your religious beliefs on others. You "elevate" the lives of the majority over a certain group. I don't have to respect that. No bad words needed. Have a nice day.

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Well, you're entitled to your opinion, as am I. My opinions of the Trump family are based on observing their behavior. That includes their public statements, which contain some very unpleasant things. I stand by my comment. You don't have to like it.

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I respect your comment / opinion as it is yours just as mine is mine…

Have a pleasant evening!

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Jun 13Liked by Alicia Norman

Exactly. If they weren’t hypocritical jackasses what would they be? (Nothing)

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Right! They want to be the Lords and Ladies of a serfdom.

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They miss the 100 years war I suspect - the good ole days - and cosplay being inquisitors

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Jun 13Liked by Alicia Norman

Hunters Law! Yes yes yes! Tell it like it is Alicia! 👏👏👏👏👏

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Yup--start spreading the message far and wide and allow it to catch fire!

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Right-wing hypocrisy has become so constant, blatant and absurd that it's painful. They can't possibly be unaware of how ridiculous it is and yet they're shameless. How the hell do they keep getting away with it?

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Because they count on human apathy, self-interest and short-term memory. They realize no matter how awful they are most people will either not hear about it or forget about it in roughly 6 months. It's what they count on the most. And it works.

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I think maybe the hard right has missed the part where now everyone who has ever lied on a gun application is now a potential felon. Maybe the ATF or some other Federal agency could start looking into this?

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The one glaring piece in all of this is the complete demonization of someone who has suffered from a disease - addiction - using his mistake to now criminalize him. Instead of helping addicts, we are shoving them into prison cells. How compassionate. (not)

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Gotta love Tizzy Ent. His videos are dynamite. MAGAs really do sound ridiculous.

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I wonder how Hunter's appeal will go.

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Hopefully he will get the two full years delay that Bannon got but result in overturned.

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Laura Windsor wins the internet today🥳🤣😂🤣

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You nailed it, Alicia. Everything you said is true.

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Alicia Norman: No WONDER you are THE GO-TO!

Lauren Windsor: "Democrats should seize on the Hunter Biden gun charges to pass Universal background checks . . . call it 'Hunter's Law' and then force Republicans to vote against it."

Damn, that IS usable!

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Love this, Alicia. Tizzy is the shit too!

This is already blowing up in their faces.

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I love Hunter's Law. Stick their own bullshit in their faces. I hope you're feeling better.

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I’ve missed you, Miz A.

That said, I for one am ready to lend Hunter any gun of mine he needs. 2nd Amendment—hoo-raw!

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