Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes exactly. We need a decisive Biden win and if we hold onto the senate, flip the house we expand the court and deal once and for all with the filibuster. Can also codify Roe.

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Right! Democracy truly is on the ballot.

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Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

It is not just democracy on the ballot.

America herself is on the ballot.

MAGA hate & corruption or the pursuit of a more perfect Union?

Your vote will decide.

I’m still voting for the old guy, not the pathological lying felon.

I'm still wearing this anti-Trump shirt until election day 👇


Now more than ever!

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Thank you, JP and well said! If Lady Liberty falls, the world is doomed.

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Sad but true.

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You say democracy for herself but in this country it seems it has ALWAYS been a Republic for HIMSELF.

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Alicia Norman: As Joyce Vance says, "We are in this together!"

Today's is one of the best of your columns. You weighed in with solid reasoning and strength!

Thank you so very much for encouraging me, after I have been downhearted. You help pick me up.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I am so glad I can do that for you. We are in this together. If we stay uplifted and focused we might just beat back fascism yet! Love you!

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Alicia Norman: It is so long since I consulted the Oracle at Delphi or the Sybil in Rome, so I cannot say what will occur in November, though it looks very dim to me.

Martin Luther King lived in opposition to an oppressive majority rule.

With all the brutality and inhumanity of the horrendous Jim Crow, with such right-wing firebreathers as Theodore Bilbo and Ross Barnett with their thunderous hatred and cudgels.

Jim Crow and its firebrands are more active than I have seen in scores of years, and I am just short of four-score years in age.

But we will stand together, without regard of the election results, stand in solidarity and with the conviction that in standing for equality and due process that we are standing in the right and in the long, historical arc of justice.

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I am so afraid the arc of justice is about to reach it's breaking point. We need to glue and tape that shit back together if it happens.

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Alicia Norman: "Virginia: There IS NO Santa Claus."

I share your fear and find it realistic.

We must gird ourselves and be strong.

Our situation is not of first impression in history and we must stand together and be strong.

Your and my souls will remain independent and strong and in loving arms of friendship extended to all who share core values of freedom, due process, and diversity.

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Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes ma’am Totally agree 💯, The only way to stop this craziness is with our vote. I hope we can all realize what’s going on before our very eyes. The SCOTUS has just given Trump a “get out of jail free” card to do whatever he chooses to do if he is re-elected AND to get away with everything he did while he was in office before. They can’t win at the ballot box, so they have taken over the judicial branch wish MAGA judges. If you recall a conservative court appointed George W. Bush to the presidency.

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Exactly--their ideas are evil and cruel so they strong arm and manipulate. I forsee a long and arduous fight ahead if us.

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Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

You know who does not have immunity? All the senators and congressmen who aided Trump in the Jan6 insurrection… it is time to indict them! And don’t forget CT’s wife Ginny…

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Jul 2Liked by Alicia Norman

Please consider a 1 or 2 book deep dive into facts of the capture of US Supreme Court by a very few multi-billionaires. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee and has written 2 detailed, documented, clear evidence for the intentional corruption of the SCOTUS over by use of 1 front organization that has stacked the highest court with their own nutty, political extremists, since before Scalia was a Justice.

See "Captured" and "The Scheme" by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

You can also get his own 31 brief YouTube videos that Sen. Whitehouse has made and presented from the floor of the Senate Chamber on the same subject, with full, organized, collated, detailed record of facts, persons, agents, and laws broken.

See Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act legislation.

See DemandJustice.org for petition for 4 point SCOTUS reform

4 point SCOTUS reform plan - very reasonable

1. increase number of justices to 13 - matching the current number of federal judicial districts

2. legislate term limits to avoid partisan politicization of court, as Federalist Society has done.

3. legislate a binding, enforcable code of ethics for all SCOTUS Justices

3 Improve diversified citizen access to SCOTUS by adding justices and judges to lower courts

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Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

Moments like these are why it’s important we all use our anger strategically and wisely. Every time this place kiccs us down, we always get up to fight another day. I’m still voting and’ll continue to hold those closest to me even tighter than before. Democracy depends on PEOPLE POWER, not the rules and restrictions of one person or authority controlling everything. I’ll admit, seeing the news about bannon made my day. I’m still doing everything I can to get the word out about this importance and dire moment in our species’ history, as well. I’m not giving up or beating myself up because of what a bunch of old and cynically dangerous brutes want for the rest of us. I’m still voting no matter what. Magalomanical mutants are gonna be destroyed because they deserve to be. Today’s been another day proven to be tough. But, I see that we’re all still here. And that’s what matters more than anything right now. For the sake of democracy and global sanity: I’ll never yield.

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Jul 1Liked by Alicia Norman

It is not enough to stand up and vote. We must get the apathetic onboard to stand up and vote

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Hear, hear!!!! And yes, that melting cretin of a human is finally getting his due. I wish the sentence was longer.

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Thanks Alicia. I have sinister idea. The pelicans must be protected. They’re an endangered species, you know?

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Jul 3Liked by Alicia Norman

We will win over those bastards because 1. We’re sane 2. We vote 3. We have to.

As always you are 100% 💙💙💙💙

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I mean, we have no other option or choice.

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Well, the law is now worthless words on paper. To think I've wasted so much time giving a shit.

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I'm still voting for Biden no matter what. Screw the naysayers! This ruling is a disgusting disgraceful boot to the face of the American public that says the president could jack off publicly and claim it was in his official capacity. Don't hold back the puking at that thought.

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Maybe this is like the abortion issue…. be careful what you wish for. Overturning Roe v Wade woke up many people.

So now there is even more credibility to the loss of democracy fears.

The campaign has to be able to show the true dangers of the ruling if he gets elected again.

This may get many people off the fence.

I am still stunned they ruled this way though. January 6th was pretty terrifying and he did not execute his official duties according to everybody. He is capable of any action that is in his best interest no matter who knows it.

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Does it not tell you all the need to know about the two candidates? No-one fears what Biden will do with his new powers, almost everyone has something to fear from what Trump would do, whether they know it or not.

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Additionally, mainstream media is allowed to beat the hell out of Biden for his terrible performance, but... is conservative media allowed to say anything negative about their poster-criminal?

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When Fox tried to tell the truth about the last election, calling Arizona for Biden, it got such a pushback it went further back the other way.

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Carpe Diem, Kamala, Carpe Diem!

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Thank you, Alicia, expressed perfectly; was thinking of the same.

Let's hope that President Biden and Democrats see out in the open danger, and nightmarish effects on Americans, and expand the court.

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“We MUST expand the Court!”

And how are we going to do that when Biden and his (completely message free) DNC wonks are going to lose the election for us?

How are we going to do that when the Biden administration (“led” by a man who decorously “believes in Americans”) refuses to do what needs to be done about Trump.

How are we going to do that when we have Senate “leaders” like Schumer and Durbin?

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Sad stuff, a bent court and a dysfunctional government.

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"Can God make a rock that even He can't lift?" --- Can trump have himself executed, while maintaining immunity? Let's try that to see what will happen. My Gawd!

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