I've been uber-pissed about all the quasi-public backstabbing of the man who's been the greatest President of my lifetime, but their day will come. My biggest fear was the big donors taking over and telling us who we're allowed to vote for. I am NOT about that.
I can't be pissed with Kamala Harris in the top slot. I've already gotten over myself and I'm all fucking in. Harris/Whoever 2024!
I feel you, Rob. I was so pissed off I cried. Biden did all the right things and just got slammed--but he is aware of how capable and strong Kamala is, and he knows she got this. I am stoked!
But Alicia did Biden do all the right things when he refused to stop arming Israel when around the world voices have been calling to stop the slaughter? One phone call and a threat to stop the flow of weapons would have brought this to a sudden end. He's refused, over and over again. The Israeli army can't continue its campaign without US weapons. It's a simple as that.
I actually hope that tRUMP and MAGA are more than a footnote. This has been (and still is) a dangerous time. We have been seeing the consequences of whitewashing our history. We need to prevail in November and then make sure we put this front and center in our history books as to how close we came to fascism. We need to shout it and shout NEVER AGAIN! #KamalaHarris2024
First we’ll need to place actual (not whitewashed) history books into all schools. Then we’ll need to erect a giant museum, warning visitors of our dangerous path toward fascism and how close our nation teetered next to total ruin in the 21st century. NEVER AGAIN!
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. I feel that both we in Europe and you in the U.S. got rather complacent about this over the past few years, despite knowing what a danger Putin and his useful idiots pose. If please god America comes through this test then one urgent task will be to bolster the defences against those who want to destroy democracy and the freedoms it gives us all.
I cried on Sunday at the news of Biden stepping away. It was a LOT. A rollercoaster of emotions (and I don’t like rollercoasters). The only qualified candidate to step in now is VP Harris. Today, I feel energized to 100% support her to get the official nomination to run and win! 💙
Same--I went up and down like mad! Felt near schizo, but I am so fucking stoked right now. And I am even more buoyed up by how hard MAGA world is losing it--even talking about suing. HJA! Good luck!
I feel we have a chance now. I love Biden and I think history will judge him one of the greatest Presidents ever. Now our hopes rests with Kamala. Biden endorsed her! I hope to see him campaigning with jer.
Gov Haley is the type of GOP partisan who insists on calling it the "Democrat Party"
These people are so arrogant and disrespectful toward their opponents that they deliberately misstate the name of our party.
Consequently I (and every other Democrat should) have little respect and absolutely no use for Nikki Haley. Let her follow the likes of Bobby Jindal into well-deserved obscurity.
GAH, the misuse of “Democrat” totally gets my goat too, every time I hear it. For the last 8 years, the magas/repubs can’t bring themselves to say, “Democratic(+ noun)” correctly. We don’t call them the republic party. It’s as if they collectively decided one day to use it as a diss within the vernacular. A few years ago, it was so galling to hear it over and over, after a while, I decided to refer to them as lower case “repubs” out of principle!
That goes back to Joe McCarthy. He told Republicans at the time that Democratic Party was too civil. "Call them the Democrat Party with the emphasis on the rat."
Absolutely. This has been going on since the 50s. And the problem is it is so pervasive that no one calls them on it. It has been going on for so long and with such little resistance or correction that there actual are people of goodwill who honestly think that's the actual name of the Party
What does it say about the GOP commitment to democracy when they can't even be bothered to refer to their opposition by their actual name?
I was one of 6 white kids on my school bus just an hour away from where Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were murdered in Philadelphia, Miss. I must admit, every time it seems the Republicans may prevail, I think at least I can probably act straight, though there are now legal documents they could use against us….
And during Trump’s first reign of terror, I had my passport renewed. “Are you married? If so, is your spouse a US citizen?” Whoa. Never seen that. So many ways to get to us, a binational gay couple.
For the life of me, I will never understand how minorities do not defend other minorities.
In all honesty, with all the ammunition she has at her disposal to use, as a former prosecutor going after, and convicting perps just like Trump for the same types of crimes, I think you’re spot on. ✊🇺🇸😎
Alicia Norman: Just watched Future President Kamala Harris as she began her campaign with a joyful, motivating speech full of promise of purpose in the future.
The Future President, Ms. Kamala Harris, was the embodiment of the Happy Warrior, and she read the book of charges against Project 2025, the misogynistic programs of the ignorant fundamentalists making it impossible for medical doctors competently to manage the healthcare of women and girls.
Ms. Harris projected the principled prosecutor who protected victims of sexual assaults and who recovered moneys and obtained full recovery under the law for victims of commercial, fake universities (like Trump University!).
Ms. Harris turned around to launch her future administration's program of expansion of rights for women and girls and economic gain, comprehensive healthcare, and retirement security for the middle class.
Ms. Harris came out at the outset with her running shoes on, and the Democrats can joyfully engage with the hope to smash the foe on November 5th!
The definition of mixed emotions for me, both heartbroken and excited!
"They also used the plastic mannequin wanna-be Laura Loomer to harp on the alleged fact she may have been a very sexual woman at one time.
Pffffft—using sex against a woman to bring her down is so 1990s.
And really?
They are going to run with something sex-related when their candidate slept with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and brags about groping women? Not to mention, Trump is an adjudicated rapist, a felon, and likely a child molester to boot.
A can of worms, to be sure, but by all means, proceed MAGA. I won’t interrupt you."
I love this post, and your video, and went to YT to give it a Like and a comment. I just wrote today about PTSD and how it causes me to fly off the handle. We Americans have been through A LOT. And we're still in this. But I feel you. This will age me, but when I watched King Kong (the '76 version with Jessica Lange) and they killed King Kong, I took the keys to my parents station wagon, locked myself inside it and wept, screaming "they killed the monkey!" over and over. It took a long while to convince me to come out of that car. It's not easy being sensitive. But I do feel a glimmer of hope. We know they will be coming at us with all kinds of misogyny and racism, but there are more of us than there are of them. I'm Team Harris all the way.
You're not alone. I'm 65 yrs old and my PTSD has hit me like a thunderbolt. I have multiple family members who have Narcissist Personality Disorder. It's destroyed my family.
At Whitehouse.gov you can leave a text message for Biden. I was crying as I was thanking him for his grace and integrity.
I'm loving watching the MAGAQ sons of bitches wet the bed over this. The RNC looked like a Kotex convention of the functionally illiterate. They're fucked. And they know it. We women need to take our power back from the misogynistic fuckwads that make our lives hell. I feel so very hopeful!!
Hey, Marnie--thank you. And yes, feeling everything gets to you and can just muddy your soul. Some folks don't get it. They tell you to buck up, quit being sensitive, or "man up." If it were that easy, I would do that! You are right; this has been one long national nightmare for true, sane, patriotic Americans, and we have been put through the wringer--But I'm hopeful that maybe Kamala will aid us in putting the past behind us and starting a new way--the entire Black Community has been galvanized. We are on the precipice of making history.
Joe Biden had a plan. He waited until Sunday afternoon, screwing the Sunday shows.😂😂 Then he endorsed Kamala. Then he got on the phone and laid the law down to all the assholes that stabbed him in the back. Notice how quickly they all fell in line.(Sucks for you, Katy Tur! 😆😆) Dark Brandon big boy school!!💪💪👊💥🇺🇸
Yup, the man is crazy all right--crazy like a FOX! I, too, felt he did this. Yeah, I doubt he had COVID-19, but they used it as a cover to pow-wow over strategy and get her done. Trump ain't got nothing--even if he tries to sue, it will take forever to get a moment going before the election, using Trump's own litigious strategy against him. Love and miss Joe, but we got Kamala, and that is gonna be awesome!
Biden is a class act and accomplished much. His head and heart control his actions but time betrayed him. Now that the shackles of appearances are gone he will accomplish much more in the time he has left in office than he otherwise could have. Ages of political wisdom and knowledge, particularly about secrets “buried” long ago, are formidable backroom political weapons.
Biden’s acquiescence has unleashed a formidable woman for a full on attack on the misogynist Trump and his wannabe MAGA empire.
Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate. She is a very skilled and fearless prosecutor and a very able administrator with time on her side. She will take the good things from her time with Biden and reconfigure the marginal ones to win the support and hearts of the People.
Her previously demonstrated strength and resolve in protecting the People and the Constitution will be demonstrated again as she virtually and metaphorically rips Trump’s evil twisted heart out and feeds it to him while burning P2025 and the Heritage Foundation’s arrogance to the ground. Hell hath no fury like a smart capable woman on a mission.
Amazingly, Trump doesn’t yet understand that the rag he so proudly flies from his right ear is actually a white surrender flag. He thinks it’s a badge of courage and he’s using it to draw attention away from his old petered-out lumpy orange face and fake flip-flap-flop cheesy combover hairdo. He will soon learn that waiving a surrender flag merely confirms he’s a heartless unintelligent loser.
Excellent piece Alicia, Ms. Harris is an amazing woman! We all have high hopes and need to make sure she becomes the first female president! Only question we all should have is, what took so long!!
I wasn't aware until recently but it appears that Kamala Harris had a long term open relationship with Willie Brown, the former Mayor of San Francisco. That's about as much as they have her and, if you are a Male who has known Professional Women all your life , isn't offensive at all.
Exactly, who cares about her love life or even what motivated her? I care if she can do the job or not. They do not want to open up the sex can of worms. They really don't.
I've been uber-pissed about all the quasi-public backstabbing of the man who's been the greatest President of my lifetime, but their day will come. My biggest fear was the big donors taking over and telling us who we're allowed to vote for. I am NOT about that.
I can't be pissed with Kamala Harris in the top slot. I've already gotten over myself and I'm all fucking in. Harris/Whoever 2024!
I feel you, Rob. I was so pissed off I cried. Biden did all the right things and just got slammed--but he is aware of how capable and strong Kamala is, and he knows she got this. I am stoked!
But Alicia did Biden do all the right things when he refused to stop arming Israel when around the world voices have been calling to stop the slaughter? One phone call and a threat to stop the flow of weapons would have brought this to a sudden end. He's refused, over and over again. The Israeli army can't continue its campaign without US weapons. It's a simple as that.
I actually hope that tRUMP and MAGA are more than a footnote. This has been (and still is) a dangerous time. We have been seeing the consequences of whitewashing our history. We need to prevail in November and then make sure we put this front and center in our history books as to how close we came to fascism. We need to shout it and shout NEVER AGAIN! #KamalaHarris2024
#PresidentKamalaFuckingHarris ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸💙🤍❤️
The MAGA mindset will never go away. Our garden will continue to need weeding.
First we’ll need to place actual (not whitewashed) history books into all schools. Then we’ll need to erect a giant museum, warning visitors of our dangerous path toward fascism and how close our nation teetered next to total ruin in the 21st century. NEVER AGAIN!
Great idea. However, we gotta win first in numbers too big to rig, and too real to steal. That’s the focus. ✊🇺🇸😎
A good point.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. I feel that both we in Europe and you in the U.S. got rather complacent about this over the past few years, despite knowing what a danger Putin and his useful idiots pose. If please god America comes through this test then one urgent task will be to bolster the defences against those who want to destroy democracy and the freedoms it gives us all.
“The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance “
Keep watching 🙌🏽
Thank you Ann.
I cried on Sunday at the news of Biden stepping away. It was a LOT. A rollercoaster of emotions (and I don’t like rollercoasters). The only qualified candidate to step in now is VP Harris. Today, I feel energized to 100% support her to get the official nomination to run and win! 💙
Same--I went up and down like mad! Felt near schizo, but I am so fucking stoked right now. And I am even more buoyed up by how hard MAGA world is losing it--even talking about suing. HJA! Good luck!
I feel we have a chance now. I love Biden and I think history will judge him one of the greatest Presidents ever. Now our hopes rests with Kamala. Biden endorsed her! I hope to see him campaigning with jer.
I think we will--Black men raised 1 million dollars behind her in 2 hours. I am gobsmacked and excited.
Yeah, I was worried that the bed wetters would then shunt Harris to the side.
Now, I am hopeful!
Me too--but she is young, tough and will put Trump in his place. She is PERFECT!
Gov Haley is the type of GOP partisan who insists on calling it the "Democrat Party"
These people are so arrogant and disrespectful toward their opponents that they deliberately misstate the name of our party.
Consequently I (and every other Democrat should) have little respect and absolutely no use for Nikki Haley. Let her follow the likes of Bobby Jindal into well-deserved obscurity.
GAH, the misuse of “Democrat” totally gets my goat too, every time I hear it. For the last 8 years, the magas/repubs can’t bring themselves to say, “Democratic(+ noun)” correctly. We don’t call them the republic party. It’s as if they collectively decided one day to use it as a diss within the vernacular. A few years ago, it was so galling to hear it over and over, after a while, I decided to refer to them as lower case “repubs” out of principle!
That goes back to Joe McCarthy. He told Republicans at the time that Democratic Party was too civil. "Call them the Democrat Party with the emphasis on the rat."
Absolutely. This has been going on since the 50s. And the problem is it is so pervasive that no one calls them on it. It has been going on for so long and with such little resistance or correction that there actual are people of goodwill who honestly think that's the actual name of the Party
What does it say about the GOP commitment to democracy when they can't even be bothered to refer to their opposition by their actual name?
Arrogant and disrespectful is what they do best.
I was one of 6 white kids on my school bus just an hour away from where Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were murdered in Philadelphia, Miss. I must admit, every time it seems the Republicans may prevail, I think at least I can probably act straight, though there are now legal documents they could use against us….
And during Trump’s first reign of terror, I had my passport renewed. “Are you married? If so, is your spouse a US citizen?” Whoa. Never seen that. So many ways to get to us, a binational gay couple.
For the life of me, I will never understand how minorities do not defend other minorities.
Me neither- intersectionality is critical in protecting all of our rights. I stand with you!
With trump, maga & the gop being criminal enterprises, an AG President sounds perfect.
No novelist could have thought up or written one better.
In all honesty, with all the ammunition she has at her disposal to use, as a former prosecutor going after, and convicting perps just like Trump for the same types of crimes, I think you’re spot on. ✊🇺🇸😎
Alicia Norman: Just watched Future President Kamala Harris as she began her campaign with a joyful, motivating speech full of promise of purpose in the future.
The Future President, Ms. Kamala Harris, was the embodiment of the Happy Warrior, and she read the book of charges against Project 2025, the misogynistic programs of the ignorant fundamentalists making it impossible for medical doctors competently to manage the healthcare of women and girls.
Ms. Harris projected the principled prosecutor who protected victims of sexual assaults and who recovered moneys and obtained full recovery under the law for victims of commercial, fake universities (like Trump University!).
Ms. Harris turned around to launch her future administration's program of expansion of rights for women and girls and economic gain, comprehensive healthcare, and retirement security for the middle class.
Ms. Harris came out at the outset with her running shoes on, and the Democrats can joyfully engage with the hope to smash the foe on November 5th!
Damn. I have been waiting for the Dems to mobilize and go on the attack and now it is here. Let the bugles sound charge.
Jim Sanders: Today, Future President Kamala Harris came out like the battling Happy Warrior I have been hoping for!
The definition of mixed emotions for me, both heartbroken and excited!
"They also used the plastic mannequin wanna-be Laura Loomer to harp on the alleged fact she may have been a very sexual woman at one time.
Pffffft—using sex against a woman to bring her down is so 1990s.
And really?
They are going to run with something sex-related when their candidate slept with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and brags about groping women? Not to mention, Trump is an adjudicated rapist, a felon, and likely a child molester to boot.
A can of worms, to be sure, but by all means, proceed MAGA. I won’t interrupt you."
Me too--just a whirlwind of emotions!
Today I finally cried my eyes out after reading Jojo from Jerz's piece. It really hit home for me and helped me let go. Hugs to you, sis 🥰
I love this post, and your video, and went to YT to give it a Like and a comment. I just wrote today about PTSD and how it causes me to fly off the handle. We Americans have been through A LOT. And we're still in this. But I feel you. This will age me, but when I watched King Kong (the '76 version with Jessica Lange) and they killed King Kong, I took the keys to my parents station wagon, locked myself inside it and wept, screaming "they killed the monkey!" over and over. It took a long while to convince me to come out of that car. It's not easy being sensitive. But I do feel a glimmer of hope. We know they will be coming at us with all kinds of misogyny and racism, but there are more of us than there are of them. I'm Team Harris all the way.
You're not alone. I'm 65 yrs old and my PTSD has hit me like a thunderbolt. I have multiple family members who have Narcissist Personality Disorder. It's destroyed my family.
At Whitehouse.gov you can leave a text message for Biden. I was crying as I was thanking him for his grace and integrity.
I'm loving watching the MAGAQ sons of bitches wet the bed over this. The RNC looked like a Kotex convention of the functionally illiterate. They're fucked. And they know it. We women need to take our power back from the misogynistic fuckwads that make our lives hell. I feel so very hopeful!!
I am both laughing and crying as I read this. I want to leave a message for Biden too. What a class act.
Same--I was sad--then mad--the back sad--just a roller coaster of emotions!
I'm loving watching the MAGAQ sons of bitches wet the bed over this. **
Oh man, popcorn and soda pop are ready to enjoy all the MAGA tears to come.
The RNC looked like a Kotex convention of the functionally illiterate.**
Holy shit, that's good. Quoting! I am quoting this!
And yes, I am hopeful, too--MAGA has awakened a sleeping giant and sped up their party's demise.
Thank you for the info about writing to Biden. I did it and I feel so much better!
Hey, Marnie--thank you. And yes, feeling everything gets to you and can just muddy your soul. Some folks don't get it. They tell you to buck up, quit being sensitive, or "man up." If it were that easy, I would do that! You are right; this has been one long national nightmare for true, sane, patriotic Americans, and we have been put through the wringer--But I'm hopeful that maybe Kamala will aid us in putting the past behind us and starting a new way--the entire Black Community has been galvanized. We are on the precipice of making history.
I can’t wait for this campaign to take off.
Have u seen her speeches? The stuff of dreams!
Yes - so strong and her confidence is off the charts!
No need to wait, the charge has began.
Contributing but I meant on the road.
Joe Biden had a plan. He waited until Sunday afternoon, screwing the Sunday shows.😂😂 Then he endorsed Kamala. Then he got on the phone and laid the law down to all the assholes that stabbed him in the back. Notice how quickly they all fell in line.(Sucks for you, Katy Tur! 😆😆) Dark Brandon big boy school!!💪💪👊💥🇺🇸
Yup, the man is crazy all right--crazy like a FOX! I, too, felt he did this. Yeah, I doubt he had COVID-19, but they used it as a cover to pow-wow over strategy and get her done. Trump ain't got nothing--even if he tries to sue, it will take forever to get a moment going before the election, using Trump's own litigious strategy against him. Love and miss Joe, but we got Kamala, and that is gonna be awesome!
Is this verified about the Haley group backing Kamala?
Yup... and right now, Black Men for Kamala raised 1 million, and Sistahs for the Cause raised 1.5--she is going CRUSH Trump into dust!
Yep, they sure did. Even the Unions across the country endorsed her today. We got this. UNITY HAS POWER!
We sure do, and I ain't listening to to MAGA noise--they mad their cause is dying and lying left and right. We got this!
Biden is a class act and accomplished much. His head and heart control his actions but time betrayed him. Now that the shackles of appearances are gone he will accomplish much more in the time he has left in office than he otherwise could have. Ages of political wisdom and knowledge, particularly about secrets “buried” long ago, are formidable backroom political weapons.
Biden’s acquiescence has unleashed a formidable woman for a full on attack on the misogynist Trump and his wannabe MAGA empire.
Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate. She is a very skilled and fearless prosecutor and a very able administrator with time on her side. She will take the good things from her time with Biden and reconfigure the marginal ones to win the support and hearts of the People.
Her previously demonstrated strength and resolve in protecting the People and the Constitution will be demonstrated again as she virtually and metaphorically rips Trump’s evil twisted heart out and feeds it to him while burning P2025 and the Heritage Foundation’s arrogance to the ground. Hell hath no fury like a smart capable woman on a mission.
Amazingly, Trump doesn’t yet understand that the rag he so proudly flies from his right ear is actually a white surrender flag. He thinks it’s a badge of courage and he’s using it to draw attention away from his old petered-out lumpy orange face and fake flip-flap-flop cheesy combover hairdo. He will soon learn that waiving a surrender flag merely confirms he’s a heartless unintelligent loser.
Excellent piece Alicia, Ms. Harris is an amazing woman! We all have high hopes and need to make sure she becomes the first female president! Only question we all should have is, what took so long!!
It was by design, I think—they had to get people hungry for a new option and then present what, in my mind, is the best possible option!
Love this take Alicia!
President Harris … Love 💗 the ring of that …
Me too. Madame President... I can see and hear it now!
I wasn't aware until recently but it appears that Kamala Harris had a long term open relationship with Willie Brown, the former Mayor of San Francisco. That's about as much as they have her and, if you are a Male who has known Professional Women all your life , isn't offensive at all.
Exactly, who cares about her love life or even what motivated her? I care if she can do the job or not. They do not want to open up the sex can of worms. They really don't.
I agree! She's an adult woman.
That’s decades old news and who could really point a finger from the Trump side given his records.
*have on her