Apr 23Liked by Alicia Norman

I'm with you.

The last 7.5 years have taken a real toll, as I'm one of those who saw this shit coming and begged--begged!--people to wake the hell up and vote for anyone but that orange sewer lagoon, only for them to scoff at me and tell me I was over-reacting.

If this effing traffic cone turned loose with the nuclear codes isn't a good reason to over-react, then what the hell is?!?! Do we have to have an alien invasion before he finally becomes irrelevant? Because jailed?

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Gotta love how whenever women are alarmed over something real and tangible, we are overreacting, but if a guy is upset over something small, like not getting a date, whole movements are made out of it?

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I agree, that is totally bizarre… and if nobody wants to go out with you, I think taking a look in the mirror and listening to what comes out of your mouth would be in order.

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Thank you! These bros want to now make some form of rape legal. That as opposed to work on themselves. Sad statement.

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Aggrieved men… that’s bullshit, not being able to understand the privilege they’ve enjoyed for like…ever. And having to be attractive (and it’s not just physically, it’s really more about being interesting and not repulsive or maybe even, self aware) to get a date? WTF? I shake my head and am glad I’m not young anymore.

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Incels often remain married to that situation even into death.

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And don’t get me started on rape or even pity sex which was common when I was in the dating pool, sad to say…

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

Yep. Even worse, there’s the incel “movement” (I think of it more as a spreading cancer) where guys who can’t get a date blame it all on women. If you buy a women dinner, she owes you sex that night. Didn’t get even a French kiss? “ALL WOMEN ARE LYING BITCHES AND THEY HATE US BECAUSE WE ARE MEN!” Involuntary celibate? No, you just can’t get laid because you’re toxic and we women tend to pick up that and your red flags. Instead of being quiet about it and/or working on yourself, act like a victim. The entitlement makes me sick.

Sorry, guess I needed to get that off my chest! Loved your writing today! And I went straight to contempt of DT, no honeymoon.

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And same--I hated him the moment he called Rosie O' Donnell a fat pig. Disgusting.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Author

Thank you DeeDee. The whole, "You owe me sex for buying you a burger," thing gets me the most. I do things for ppl all the time, I don't think I am entitled to some kind of reward for it. Trump is the king of that kind of transactional BS which is why so many on the manosphere follow him.

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Yes, they blame it on women and anyone else who isn't like them.

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Those movements are all bowel.

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LOL Love that and stealing :-)

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Enjoy using it ❣️ :-)

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I almost made that joke in my comment, was thinking someone reading this could probably do it better!

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Great minds think alike.

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I share your experience with the people I know. I’ve warned my Jewish girlfriend 23 years ago about rising open racism against all people of color and against Jews. She thought I was over reacting as she continued partying with her highly conservative Irish Catholic friends. When I told her that at a party I was hearing the N word and didn’t like it, her response was that they treated her well and that was only the men. I have thick callouses on my head because of beating my head against this wall of inability to see what was right in front of her.

I refused to party with these people and made it clear why. People need to stand up to bigots.

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Thank you so much, Jim. It is infuriating to see people cozy up with the folks who brought us the repeal of Roe v. Wade and Affirmative Action. Do they really think it will end there?

Seems we still refuse to learn the lessons of history.

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She learned and sometimes calls me a prophet. I tell her I’m no prophet but I do observe and listen.

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Oh wow--what happened if you don't mind me asking...?

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She is still friends with her female friend. This female friend always does—or did because he died last year—what her husband did and followed his direction. A Stepford wife. That family is very tight and gets together a lot. My former girlfriend and I now only friends by my choice. I stopped going to the parties years ago.

I had asked her if she would directly ask her friend if she was bigoted or voted for Trump. She refused to do so. Caused a lot of tension between her and me but as I said, we are still friends. She is the most caring and giving person I know which I like but still wears some blinders about these issues with her friends.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

EVERY DAMN TIME. We white people have racism in our dna and need to check ourselves. This country was founded on the backs of enslaved black people, so it is not surprising that we often fail to see it in ourselves.

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Here is something I’ve been thinking about. I was a blue-eyed blond until 28 when my hair darkened some. I had always been told by my family that we had Native American blood and I have picture of my father with his mother I never met. It was taken where she was living on a reservation in Oklahoma. I know nothing about that part of my family. So, later in life I had my DNA checked. Typical Irish, English, German, some Lithuanian and French. A true mutt.

There was another small percentage of genes. Mali. Sadly, I know nothing about that history. Scientists will tell you there is no such thing as race except for the Human Race which apparently includes some Neanderthal and Denisovans. We are all connected much more than all the bigots know.

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I have been thinking of doing a 23 and Me--it would be cool to see. I do know I have some German in the fam as well as Native American.

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We may be related.

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Which I would be honored if so. Keep up your good work.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

Mali is now a country in Africa as you know, but it was one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world at one time. In recent times Mali has produced some wonderful musicians.

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Indeed, I want to go on a world tour and visit Mali, Italy, France, Denmark and Brazil :-)

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As far as Popok and other Dems being afraid of making Trump a martyr if jailed, I have one question: would the Repubs be afraid? I don’t think so. The sleaze of the Repubs disgust me. The timidity of the Dems pisses me off.

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Same--we need to grow massive pairs and stop being punks. That is why we get our asses beat.

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Yes, so let him be a martyr… at least he would not be a free man…and I won’t say I’d be sorry for any suffering he experiences seeing what he has put us all through these past 8 plus years..

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Agreed, being jailed is the least he could pay for what he has done to this country.

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Yes. I think back to Michelle O’s “When they go low, we go high.” As noble as it sounded, it was bringing a stick to a gunfight. There is something in the middle between bringing a stick to a gunfight, and bringing a gun. We (Dems) have to learn to use simple intellectual ju jitsu or something.

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Indeed, at a certain point it becomes fair to fight like hell, especially when those who would win could harm defenseless marginalized groups.

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Apr 23Liked by Alicia Norman

Me too, but what you gonna do?

Republicans, though, aren't merely sleazy; we all were used to that. Since Trump, they're worse than a malignant tumor and must be contained, if we can't outright stop them.

As for Democrats, sometimes I wonder if it's not so much timidity as a reflexive retreat to some mythical "higher ground" where they can safely "tsk-tsk" and write policy papers?

I dunno, but I'll take the least toxic entity, any day. I've had enough excitement, thanks, and wanna go home.

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No matter what I’d never vote Republican but that doesn’t mean the Dems are a great party.

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So, does every date have to be perfect? Good enough would do for the next 4 years, imo

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

He managed to set reproduction rights for women back fifty years (or more, see Arizona) . I will be making sure to remind everyone, especially men, of that up until Election Day. I plan to tell all my social media friends (especially the ones who were entitled enough to sit out the 2016 election or threw away their vote with a write-in because they believed the GOP propaganda or “didn’t feel comfortable” voting for Hillary) that if they don’t vote for Biden to protect our rights as women, I will just assume they don’t respect women and will delete from my life and social media. I’m done with this misogynist bullshit and so are all my friends!

That was one long-ass run-on sentence. As a writer, I apologize!

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No need to apologize, I feel you. We all need to take a deep breath and emit one loud, long primal scream. "I’m done with this misogynist bullshit and so are all my friends!"

So am I my friend, so am I...

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

YES! I agree, Jim!

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

T. Fatigue IS a real thing. It's exhausting... one of the reasons I had to leave toxic Twitter. UGH. And, I too, was PISSED about Jon Stewart in his opening. The push back on his return was so great I think he realized his error. I love the man.

You bring up so many good things here, but I just want to say: TAKE CARE OF YOU. All of us need to step away from the negative bullshit and monitor our own mental and spiritual health. I dont write about politics because so many people do it far better than I ever could...but I see the toll it has taken on people I admire and care about. Thanks for being one of the good humans. ✌️

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Appreciate that so much, Susan. Thank you, yes it is so tiring-- so for now I am just gonna focus on highlights. And same to you--do what you need to keep moving forward through all the insanity. Love you!

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Love of freedom forces us to talk about trump, because he will end it if given the chance.

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Exactly, I suppose it is matter of ensuring what we allow into our world is substantive--real news and not click bait stuff. I do really appreciate your hard work too--it is so essential in helping people defend against psychologically damaging folks.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

Good point, Sam. 👍

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Thanks Susan. As someone who works to counter narcissists individually, nationally & globally, & have had trump's pathologies nailed down as the posterchild for narcissistic personality disorder+ since 2015 , it's a subject I have been forced to reconcile many times ; )

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Thanks for the sanity check. I am “enjoying” the Trump trials because I truly enjoy reading and processing legal cases and filings, etc. But now that I have been retired for a year, I absolutely need to rebalance other things, like my art (painting), and music composition and production. Let’s be virtual accountability partners. ☺️

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That is a great idea actually... and try to keep everyone's spirits up. We have to stay the course and stay strong to vote the man out in November.

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Free publicity, saves those precious donor dollars for enriching himself via not having to pay for airtime...I don't "click on" or watch any of them, MSM is why we got him in the first place (Pecker testimony today is proof) and we've been paying the price ever since.

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Right, they MADE UP SHIT just to help him, it's so insane! If Trump doesn't go down for this I don't know what I am gonna do! And no one cares he is in hot water--not even his fam showed up in court. Good. Lock. Him. Up!

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Love your comments on well, everything, Alicia. 👍

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Thank you, Diane, I aways appreciate your positivity.

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Thanks—we have to stay sane lol 😝

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Apr 23Liked by Alicia Norman

I for one Alicia could go for days without hearing about the fugly orange asshole. There is much more to life than him. Your hubby may have stepped in it as all of them do. After 42 years of marriage, I think we learn how to tune them out or we still get annoyed, but we move on.

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True. I am trying to find places for teachable moments--he seemed to get where my frustration lies this time around.

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Apr 23Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes, they do have a way of doing that alright. I think that getting older helps us get past things to some degree, but hey we still get pissed.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

Good cause I was gonna say what he told you was bullshit and he needs to be called on his bullshit… Love you, honey

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Thank you so much, Maggie :-) (((hugs)))

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As they say, even a doggy knows the difference between being kicked on accident and on purpose. If you felt your hubby was slighting you, I believe you. But if he's anything like my hubby (also a Republican) he's very insecure and I take it with a grain of salt. You are amazing at everything you do, Alicia.

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Thanks, Lorraine--it is a bit of a challenge at times...

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It's a miracle my hubby and I are still together. It's all because he hasn't given up on me.

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:-D (((hugs)))

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Alicia, I’m delighted to hear that you are moderating your intake of orange turd world in the interest of maintaining your mental health! We all need to avoid this toxic overload perpetuated by the mainstream ‘press.’. There should be more to life than constant madness. I also wish for you a much more appropriate level of appreciation and respect at home….

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Leon, I appreciate you. Thank you :-)

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Finding a healthy balance between well informed and doom scrolling is incredibly difficult.

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Indeed, and even a clickbait headline can hold meaningful info--it's just so much. Let us see the Orange Troll defeated in the fall. Blue wave. WE GOT THIS!

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

9 years later and I take breaks

I read less, I watch almost nothing in news not even local news.

It's debatable and that's frustrating for it's truths we seek to read.

I got so much luggage around these eyes. I'm not even mad at the QTQueen. He can go to a hospital as far as I'm concerned. But back in our White House Noooooo

I'm upset with the msm misleading Americans to rob women of their rights. Republicans in office hookwinking men and women.

I can't wait till election is over, and life is not so stressful.

The freaks come out, in a flurry, at election time.

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I hear you. I'm trying my best to cut down my contrumption (that's Trump consumption). I have eased up on it a little as I want to make sure I understand what's going on and why. Unfortunately, some of what else is going in the world is entertwined with DJT and his shenanigans and if this election goes south we could be stuck with him, the Space Laser Lady, and the rest of MAGA.

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True, it's like when I try to write about someone else in politics their story is somehow connected to Trump. The world is insane right now!

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Thank you, Alicia… for writing! I remember early on in our marriage, my husband said to me that he already knew everything about me. I was (and still am) outraged and I told him, “you will NEVER know everything there is to know about me”! After 37 years, that is still true and he is still clueless but he is the father of our children and at 74, I’m not going to replace him… and I desperately despise trump…I’m still amazed that bastard has dominated America like he has… his trial this week has been delicious!

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Yup, it feels as if something newsworthy is finally happening.

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I do not come close to knowing everything about any single person including myself.

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100 percent correct... I am still searching for me... and I think all of us, until the day we die, will be a work in progress--and that is a good thing.

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Same here. Some days I wonder what new thing I will discover about myself, life, others. It’s a wild right but I am so grateful to have it.

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That is what makes life fascinating, at times challenging and also fun. I love what I am finding and the part I am not so proud of I can face now, scrutinize, and try to own and incrementally change.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

I find myself turning off the TV more and more. After all the shit we've been put through, some in the MSM are still trying to normalize it. Thank God it's baseball season.

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Apr 24Liked by Alicia Norman

Love to you ❤️ Alicia.

Wishing you the Best always.

I like your work, it's a pleasure to read your articles. You are well written.

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Thank you, Antonia! (((Hugs)))

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Hugs back to ya! 🙂

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