Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

Alicia Norman: All right. I am trying to wrap my arms around the logic here.

Janet Jackson thinks that Kamala Harris is Asian, not Black.

First of all, I am neither, but I love both.

So, an Asian lady graduated from Howard University, made the Historically Black Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and at University of California HASTINGS-Law was President of the local Black Law Students Association.

Plus, while at Howard, Kamala Harris marched in Washington to protest Apartheid.

So, irrespective of ethnicity . . .

Well, I wonder what Janet Jackson would say about this . . .

Trump/Vance -- the only alternative Janet Jackson has to Kamala Harris -- are racially baiting violence against innocent immigrant Haitians with white-racist-neo-fascist lies to feed bigotry as if these innocents were -- it is too indecent to repeat, but here goes: the LIE that they steal pet cats and dogs from citizens and eat them.

Aside from whether Haitian immigrants meet Ms. Jackson's standards -- whatever they are -- for being "black", since Ms. Jackson chose to repeat the Trump LIE about Kamala Harris, what does she say about the Trump/Vance vicious race-baiting that have resulted in bombs, evacuations, and violence against minorities, namely, Haitian Americans.

Kamala Harris honors the heritage of Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Emmett Till, Martin Luther King, John Lewis, and she fights against the vicious race-baiting from the right.

Clearly, even my meager summary shows that Kamala Harris comfortably embraces and represents the best of Black culture in America.

The alternative is the neo-fascist right.

Those are the only two sides running for the Presidency.

So, if someone turns against Kamala Harris in favor of racists who resemble Joseph Goebbels, I have NO NEED OR DESIRE to listen to her music and send money HER way to enable her.

Maybe Janet Jackson could get together with RFK, Jr. in ruining family heritage with alliances with the white-racist right.

I cut her off. Maybe it is simply the wisdom of Maya Angelou. Maybe Janet Jackson has shown us who she is.

But it is early.

Maybe we misunderstood Janet Jackson.

Maybe she'll apologize and all is well.

I am open minded.

But Janet Jackson doesn't have long to make up her mind.

I am still waiting.

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"Kamala Harris honors the heritage of Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Emmett Till, Martin Luther King, John Lewis, and she fights against the vicious race-baiting from the right.

Clearly, even my meager summary shows that Kamala Harris comfortably embraces and represents the best of Black culture in America--"

Well said and I agree. And yes--I await her elaboration on the matter--but I have a feeling we may not like what she says.

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Alicia Norman: What you DO is so very important.

WHEN Future Kamala Harris wipes the floor with the racist-EX-President on November 5th, I'll be in one of my very rare celebrations, at home with the woman, Nancy, I have loved for 53-years (married 51), generously downing shot after shot of Four-Roses Bourbon ebullient and full of raunchy, dirty, rude, obscene, unprintable, but JOYFUL put downs of the white-nationalist-racist barbarians who are in the quicksands of LOSS AND DEFEAT and who will have NO chance to persecute minorites.

The last time I had such a party was New Year's in 2003, when Nancy tried to hide my Jim Beam in a file drawer, but I found it, and secretly kept pouring multiple shots -- not nearly finishing the bottle, but it did its job, and I regaled my daughter and future son-in-law (whom I commanded to stay with us that night -- I WOULD not have him face dangerous, drunk drivers at 2:00 in the morning), and I played rude puns -- I am sure you cannot imagine -- on the name of the despised Attorney General, John Ashcroft (HOW could one make a pun on THAT name with . . . a body part . . .?!?!).

Shocking, but true. I did this in New Year's, 2003.

And November 5th will be equally boisterous, hilarious and r-a-u-n-c-h-y against the white racists!

If Janet Jackson wants to listen, sing, or participate in such an event, that would be hilarious and beautiful.

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So out of all the shit that has been perpetrated by the Republicans, she chose to question Kamala’s race/ethnicity/culture?

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

Let's not forget that Hurricane Rita was hot on Katrina's heels and further smashed the region already suffering from the damage caused by Katrina. All in all, an enormous failure of the Bush administration and a sad time in American history.

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Stephen, thanks for the reminder--I almost forgot about that, it didn't get as much press. Yes--I sincerely don't think we need ever forget that time in history, there is so much to learn from it.

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

No slack cut for Ms Jackson. I feel that way about anyone who questions MVP’s authenticity as both a Black and Asian woman.

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Right, I find it weird for instance that a person of European descent can proudly catalog German, Welsh, Russian, or Nordic ancestry--and claim them all--but if you are Brown you can choose one aspect of ancestry or history--and other POC buy into this.

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Janet is a multimillionaire. She likes her tax cuts. She was also raised as a Jehovah's Witness, which is a very conservative religious sect.

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Yeah, I knew some Jehovah's Witnesses. Interesting Lot.

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I am old enough to remember Katrina. Before Katrina hit and those not having the economic privilege to leave Katrina taking shelter in the Superdome, I also remember telling my husband "That’s a clusterfuck waiting to happen." The response to it was not just inept but racist and classist.

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I can’t see where Ben M implicitly vindicated Republicans. I am not sure the bumbling incompetence of Bush could count as qualitatively the same as Trump’s shameful interference. Bush’s abject failure in New Orleans has a racist overtone but isn’t it more that he was an idiot in hiring the wrong people?

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He routinely interviews Ex Republicans and MAGA on MTN--even giving air time to one who was still a huge fan of Tucker Carlson of all people. When asked Ben and Popok when was MTN going to give equal time to members of the Black Caucus or other progressive liberals groups--crickets... I wrote a couple of articles about this trend on my Substack. This is just another example of him trying to whitewash the misdeeds of Republican administrations and I often wonder to what end? As for Bush, I think it was a trifecta of issues, Bush being a bumbling idiot and also not feeling the drive to rescue Black folks as he might if they were rich White people who voted for him and his daddy... I'll never forget the stories I heard coming out of Louisiana--it was a horror show.

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I’ve never seen an interview on MTN. I just see his monologues and those of others. I don’t understand the sentence starting with when and ending with crickets. I assume that crickets is a black advocacy group or is that wrong? I don’t disagree about non-whites not being seen as valuable as whites. I had that yesterday with a Moroccan friend who is partly of Arab descent. She is fed up with nitwits saying Israel has a right to murder children by the tens of thousands. It’s as if to say to her, your people are less human than white Westerners.

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Indeed--we are expendable in the eyes of so many--even as lovers. If I had a nickel for how often some guy wanted to bed me but not wed me because his parents wouldn't approve--UGH! The crickets part, I asked them directly and they failed to give me a response of any quality. Popok did invite me to email him but never wrote back when I took him up on the offer.

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Poor form not answering. I won’t comment on the fickle men in your life. I spent time in Africa. When I came to leave I didn’t want to. It very strangely felt like home. A few years ago an acquaintance who is South African had a son who was boyfriend to a woman from Zimbabwe. I mentioned her to the mother and got a very frosty response. I think her boy kept his girlfriend 😡

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Oh shit--interesting :-)

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It sure is. The reason I mentioned her to the mother was because I took a photo of her and I wanted to send it to her. I didn’t get the contact details 😂 she was very pretty

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman


Tax Cuts

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Makes sense.

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

Ben annoys me. He always looks like he just rolled out of bed, I find him a bit sanctimonious, and his videos are too long.

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Gurl, you ain't said nuthin but a word--TRUTH!

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman


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Janet Jackson fixed her “blackness” with plastic surgery.

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Well as a fan of her & her brother's music, I didn't necessarily like their family & how they lied about everything all of the time. She secretly married a debarge from the group Debarge. Then there was a rumor she had had a child with him. I still don't know if that one is true. There were depictions of conversations that sounded exactly like something Michael would say. Both Janet & Michael were extremely jealous of Madonna & would bash her all the time. Then there was Prince. Michael was trying to get Prince to do a video with him, but Prince refused. He didn't get on too well with Michael. Both Janet & Michael were extremely petty, jealous, & spiteful. So this doesn't surprise me. I would say this is sheer jealousy on Janet's part of the younger, powerful, intelligent Kamala whose star is just rising, while her's has already risen & fallen decades ago.

The other things is that they both grew up in a very dysfunctional home. They had a decent mother, but their father was so out of control.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 4Author

BINGO! I don't disagree with you and based on the reported love-hate between Michael and Janet. I was, let's say, more than a little surprised by how non-broken up she seemed over Michael's death for example. She even complained bitterly about how he used to call her fat and gave her a complex about her weight days after his funeral. Okaaaay. My dad and I were estranged and I didn't bitch about past slights after his funeral--geeze. I also disliked how they failed to support Latoya when she came out about the abuse she suffered under Joe, I believed her--Joe Jackson was an abusive asshat.

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Yes. I do think LaToya was abused, but so was Rebi. Their father was a perv. He really messed those kids up & pitted them against one another. I thought it was weird for her to say that. I mean…I don’t know the context for it, but maybe he was telling her to watch her weight because she was on Good Times. Siblings do hurtful things. Maybe LaToya or one of the other kids will finally admit that Joe did do the abuse, but they were afraid of him so they denied it. I guess their mother was their soft spot to land. I didn’t believe that Janet was telling the whole truth on that documentary she made. I can’t even remember what it was about now.

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What documentary--I may have to check it out...

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It’s vague in my memory. I think Hulu. I think it was her perspective about Michael, but I can’t say that with 100% accuracy.

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Also agree with you--Janet is just hellah jealous and needs to sit the hell down.

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Oct 3Liked by Alicia Norman

I don’t agree that Kamala “grew up in a very dysfunctional home”. Parents fall out of love and marriages end. That’s normal, —that’s life—not ideal but not dysfunctional. The excellence seen in Kamala and her sister are testament to the exemplary upbringing they had.

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Well said--I agree.

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Alicia! First, how are you after Helene, I think you're in GA?

Second, agreed on the Meiselas Report, we have to keep close tabs on them. I refuse to follow Filipowski and Aaron Rupar because they constantly share right wing posts to their massive following with no context or commentary, basically giving a free boost to their talking points. They are so annoying!

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And it is suspect--he also gives a ton of interviews with so-called former MAGA and Republicans but rarely for progressive and liberal advocates.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Alicia Norman

…janet is an imposter, NEVER took her for an original artist, if there would be no Michael, Janet would never come up

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Strongly agree—she even struggled a bit until she started imitating Michaels’ style…

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Oct 3Liked by Alicia Norman

Sorry, i can’t speak for Jackson’s behavior but I can tell you I have followed the Meidas Touch network since its inception. I have no doubt Ben Meiselas is fully aware of the horrific way people of color were treated after Hurricane Katrina. From what I have seen, Ben Meiselas does have good people that research and fact check his work. He is sometimes the ONLY source that gets things correct. He brings to the forefront what corporate media will not. If he wanted the republicans to go back to the Bush era disaster, he wouldn’t be working so hard to bring to light how a Trump administration will destroy this country. Yes, the horrific response to Katrina makes me sick, why do the people of Louisiana keep voting for republicans?

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I admire Meidas Touch's work overall--but I think he drops the ball often with his focus on MAGA rehab and the demand to forgive them of all wrongdoing. It rankles and is a slap in the face to the people the MAGA movement hurt the most--marginalized groups.

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I will never forget what the MAGA movement did to minorities. I will never forget how they were given so much power that a little punk like Kyle Rittenhouse came from another state, with a weapon he wasn’t old enough to own, kill two people and injure two others during a peaceful BLM protest. I won’t forget that he was hailed as a hero by MAGA and the good ole’ boy network. It sickens me, and it must change. The only way things will change is to win this election and get the rot out of government. This is Meidas Touch only mission, so if he has to show other MAGA that it’s okay to leave the cult, he will. Ben’s followers are not dumb, we have no intentions of giving these people a ticker tape parade, we just want this horrible Cabal to go away and the people who call themselves republicans to wake up. Thank you for allowing me to use your platform to express myself.

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

The entire Jackson family - what’s left of them - needs to fuck straight off.

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Thank you!

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Oct 2Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes, Ben does seem to have amnesia about how Hurricane Katrina was handled. We are a nation of amnesiacs. He will be reminded now. He should be giving air time to progressives. He is walking a fine line with ex magas because we have to welcome them back to sanity and let them talk about how they were led astray. We can’t shame them and shun them that would be counterproductive.

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I do get that, but I also know that they have caused real and lasting harm and it rankles that, once again, conservatives will get a pass on awful behavior and deeds--I think whether or not someone accepts a person back into the fold should be a matter of choice and not demanded the way Ben does it. Rubs me the wrong way. Forgiveness is an individual choice, not a collective one. I also see the flipside of the coin as well. For me, I will do what needs to be done to help Kamala win but I won't be able to forgive or forget what they did to the country. wounds are too fresh.

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Poor Janet - talented, pretty (despite that chopped-up nose), but clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. As for Meiselas, not surprised by his babble - pseudo- and semi-liberals are a dime a dozen.

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Hey! Long time no see, Brother, I hope you are faring well!!! *hugs* Yeah, we will soon see where her head is at, but prospects seem grim on this turning out positive where Janet is concerned. I suppose with all my years on this planet I would have learned by now that not everyone who smiles at you is a friend, but hope always springs eternal.

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Such a pleasure to hear from you, Alicia dear! Doing well, thank you, and I hope the same is true for you. Just hanging out watching the insanity swirling around on the planet, shaking my head with dread. Wondering what’s next…..

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Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that November brings sanity and kindness back to America's shores...

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Everything’s crossed here too, Alicia 🖖🏿!!

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