Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

"He should've complied." Now they care about imprisoned people & their families? Sure, Pete.

About what I expect from Judge Cannon.

Thank you for sharing stories about your loved ones and other victims of our "justice" system. ❤️

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Appreciate you, Jessica.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I am so sorry for your losses, and for the injustices that your family has suffered. I’m yes, holding my breath that she gets fired but you’re right Alicia. “justice”

is for the rich white guys not for the little people. I really hope Jack Smith is David to the Orange DiaperDon Goliath.

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me too.

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and thank you :-)

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

BOO FUCKING HOO, Peter Navarro. And Yes, indeed FIRE the Cannon. I need to keep faith that Jack is doing everything he can. But still, it is reprehensible that these people are being treated differently than the rest of us would be. It's simple. Don't break the law. Then your ass wont go to prison. I'm very disillusioned, with the system AND our friends, neighbors, and family who have elected this trash and put our country in harms way.

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The same--I lean towards hope but that hope is shadowed by the past.

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Don't break the law. Then your ass wont go to prison.

Unless you are black or can't afford a good lawyer.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I don’t disagree though I know one judge I’d trust with my life - and the lives of others.


This is maddening. The only value is this has exposed the tiered system of justice in our country. Those who have, have a ´justice’ that was never meant for everyone. Those who don’t have are lucky when they do.

Like any system, there’s a path to immunity. In law, it’s knowing the law. It’s that fundamental. Why lawyers hold the key to the door that safeguards us most of the time. The good ones are golden.

It’s a superpower the way people who study medicine (doctors) give those they care for a chance to survive physically if at all possible. Again, the good ones are golden.

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It's something I WANT to believe in--but at this juncture--I just can't.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I don’t blame you one bit.

The abuses of the system by people like the Orange ass is a disgusting display of the unequal application of law most of the time.

There are good people to watch though. Let’s hope their example motivates others in positions of authority in the law to straighten up - or at least in some cases - persist in integrity.

I’m hoping this ugly mess propels the young - or not so young - to enter the law profession at any level with a commitment to work for the common good, to see integrity as a superpower.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

That’s always a need for decent attorneys to serve those that can’t navigate the justice system alone and don’t have the funds to hire anyone. Think Legal Aid, Innocence Project and the like. However too many go into firms because law school debt is crushing. I’ve known several that go into high paying jobs then when they’re able , quit and are serving in those much needed areas.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Yes, I’ve seen it too. Or work pro bono in the little time they have until they can do that.

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--and to be sure, I know of many great lawyers as I do great doctors--one helped me pro bono after my mother was killed by a drunk driver. I briefly worked with the Guy writing content for his law blog. The system lawyers work in can hamstring them. Same with politics and medicine. The quagmire of bureaucracy makes it hard for the good people to win sometimes. I see the basis of law as a living document that often needs to be amended for modern times and to address social disparity--we simply have to get enough good people to topple the bad to make significant changes. I have seen far too much death--I want to see more life.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

So absolutely correct. Let me say that I didn’t mean to omit how moved and saddened I am by what you went through. Your experience should not have been overlooked by me in my comment. I was wrong to not address it.

We need a coalition that challenges the status quo. It is not acceptable as things are now. We must address it - get rid of the skewed spins that hamstring justice - to assure a world we need that works equally for every one of us.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Well said.😀

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I cant tell who is speaking to whom on this thing sometimes lol

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Cannon indeed went too far. She'll now be removed almost for certain.

So sorry about your cousin, Alicia💔

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Thank you.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I think Cannon is a combination of Trump fangirl and incompetence. Either way, she needs to be removed yesterday. I'm sorry about your cousin.❤

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Thank you, Charlie and yes--Peter Navarro can get bent--and he likely will!

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Bubba awaits.😆😆😆

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And Pete may be the purtiest thing Bubbas has seen in a loooong while.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman


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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

And fuck you, Peter Navarro!!🤬😆

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with a big rough tree limb!!!

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I am sorry for your loss Alicia. You are dead on with our legal system and how it favors the rich the white etc. If fugly was an ordinary dude off the streets his ass would have been in a jail cell long ago. Why trash like him gets special treatment is beyond me. As for Ms Cannon throw her ass off the bench now!

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I mean, this is a man who rapes women, likely raped his own daughter as well as other little girls, harmed small businesses and purposefully for many years shat in a diaper to force people to smell his odor. The absolute worst--yet he lives while some of the best people die for the smallest offenses. I can't sometimes.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I hear you, Alicia. As I have gotten older, I have so many questions without answers. The only thing I can tell myself is that someday I will know why. Not very satisfying, but the best theory I got.

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Thanks, sis! Love you!

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Right back at you Alicia.

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and yes, Cannon gotsta go!

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Cannon, a reject from the casting call for “Despicable Me.”

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Hopefully she will soon be a reject from life...

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Yea. Celebrating Happy Peter Navarro go to jail day.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Author

Woot! Do we hand out beads, exchange gifts how does the whole thing work? LOL!

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I’m so sorry about your cousin…😢❤️

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Thank you.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

For what it's worth Alicia here is something my grandpap used to say. "There's always a payday."

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Indeed, and with what is coming down the pike, hopefully Trump and MAGA sees theirs.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Let's keep positive thoughts on that.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

I guess there is justice on occasion and there goes Navarro into the pokey. The man is so full of shit and obviously a dim bulb for admitting a coup on television.

So sorry your family did not get the same consideration. Our system should provide that in theory but the reality is a whole other thing.

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Did you see Navarro acting like he is some kind of martyr for a cause. Dude, just shut up and get in the cell. Thank you.

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Lol, I did, what a gasbag. A martyr for Agent Orange who didn’t lift a finger to help. I think I’m savoring that a little too much.

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Oh, me too sis, me too, CHEERS.

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Cannon needs to go. She's not impartial.

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Fire in the hole--BOOM!

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Mar 20Liked by Alicia Norman

Alicia, sending love and healing to you regarding the tremendous losses of Sherrie, Ryan, and Ebony. Thank you for sharing your reality, this reality of the 2-tiered justice system. I want to be an ally and this helps to bring it home for me.

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Thank you, Suzanne. I grew up with far too many people who had this story--they lost fathers, sons, uncles--daughters. I feel believing in the system is a luxury for those who get to practice within it. That is not saying there aren't good people within the system, I have met a few. I am just saying the legal system itself, it needs fixing. badly. And you already are an ally. Thanks again (((hugs)))

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Alicia Norman: So much here in your posting. Your posting is wondrous in precision and conciseness.

You have said so much here, in so few words.

First of all: Through the medium, Substack, we have become friends. I can never know how these cruelties make you feel, as the one you are who has suffered through them. But as a friend, I have empathy, sorrow that someone as fine, spiritual, inwardly beautiful as you are, has had to undergo the agony of such losses.

You have our love and, as Joyce Vance reminds us, "We are in this together."

As far as the law, you are entirely right.

But let's look through this lens. The English common law we inherit; the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution; the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights -- these laws have, indeed, been implemented by corrupt persons.

But these great landmarks in law, reaching back to the Law of Hammurabi, and the great jurisprudence of Rome, establish human ideals of justice and equality to strive towards.

Not the law of the ambulance-chasing lawyer.

But the law of the great jurists: Ulpian of Rome; William Blackstone; John Marshall, the Great Chief Justice; Felix Frankfurter, Learned Hand, Benjamin Cardozo, Thurgood Marshall, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

These jurists, these fundamental laws give us the ideals for us in humanity to strive for.

As you know, Alicia, my Mom lived in Belgium occupied during WWII by the Third Reich.

What you so truthfully, so eloquently describe is a heritage of a great cultural people, as black persons in America are, living in an occupied territory in their own country.

What you describe is like the Kaiser's occupation of Belgium in WWI and the Third Reich occupation of WWII.

In our own country.

The Jim-Crow injustice, that we should have overcome through the Great Moral Movement of My Lifetime -- namely the Civil Rights Movement -- "we have overcome" -- only Jim Crow, as you so well describe, is HERE.

Trump is a danger precisely because of that living body, Jim Crow.

We must take the great crowbar of our politics, law and influence to kill -- "to kill DEAD" (to use an old-fashioned expression) JIM CROW.


We may moan, "2024 brings the election in which we are in danger to lose our democracy."

Well, there is only one answer:


Jim Crow is TOO HEALTHY.

As long as Jim Crow kicks, we are not in danger of losing our democracy. Rather, as long as Jim Crow is alive, OUR DEMOCRACY IS IN SICK, CRITICAL DANGER.

Our Democracy has been in danger a very, very long time.

Until the evils you describe ARE KILLED DEAD, our Democracy is SICK and NOT YET RECOVERING. As long as Jim Crow kicks around, our Democracy is on LIFE SUPPORT, with Trump, it is in the mode of "DO NOT RESUSCITATE!"


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Thank you, by your words I can see you get it. I have a healthy respect for the idea of the law--but there are broken areas in dire need of address, like, how ppl can find loopholes to game the system or stay on the bench and make rulings to help wealthy benefactors as we watch in horror like captives. It rankles.

"Trump is a danger precisely because of that living body, Jim Crow."

Yep men like him and his Black hearted followers want to place a boot on the neck of the Negro and use the law to do it--The Slave Patrol. America is in the need of healing and it begins by making the laws equitable and fair and applicable to all, even ex presidents. The Day I see that man arrested for his crimes will be a day of tremendous healing for me because of what he symbolizes.

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Alicia Norman: ". . . equitable and fair and applicable to all, even ex presidents." And then, Orange-Grifter wants immunity even if, as PRESIDENT -- God forfend! -- he were to send the Navy Seals to round up the 80+ year-old Biden -- by the way, how heavily armed a team does that sick Orange-Slime envision he NEEDS to capture Joe Biden.

I swear, Alicia, there is no better immunity developed against the right wing as effective as HAVING GROWN UP IN IT AS A STRAITJACKET!

What is so idiotic, is that NONE of it is new from 60 years ago!

Lester Maddox and George Wallace all over again, and one-quarter, FULLY ONE-QUARTER of our Nation LOVES JIM CROW.

Kinda makes one tired.

Another cup of Joe . . .

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What's the old saying? The more things change, the more they stay the same... true dat!

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Alicia Norman: The phrase, through a quote by a 19th literary critic, is attributed to the indomitable Talleyrand: "Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose." My Walloon Mom reared me on that expression, one of the few phrases of the homeland (Belgium) she repeated.

It is, indeed, worthy to think of the ever flexible Talleyrand, a priest who took his celibate duty so well as to father ("beget") with the pretty Victoire Oeben the little boy who became the great painter, Eugene Delacroix.

Why listen to Talleyrand?

Talleyrand lived in "the best of times and the worst of times" LITERALLY that Charles Dickens wrote about.

Talleyrand was at the top of society during the Ancien Régime under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, to survive all phases of the French Revolution -- including the dreaded "Reign of Terror" under the DEADLY idealist Maximilien de Robespierre, and THEN to survive the Emperor Napoleon.

Many, many good persons -- men and women -- were executed by the "humane" means devised by Joseph-Ignace Guillotin.

Now: If Talleyrand was diplomatic enough to survive the vicissitudes of Kingdom, Revolution with Reign of Terror, the Empire of Napoleon, only to stay on top during the Peace of Prince Metternich . . .

Can ANYONE have a doubt that Talleyrand would be able to smell where the winds blow today?

Today is child's play in comparison with the thousands of lives lost during that horrific period.

Meanwhile, Talleyrand was always at the top of society and having a life of fun, including in the happy (and sometimes concupiscent) Salon of Madame de Stael.

In these times of potential terror, we could study the wisdom of Talleyrand who could survive all of the revolutions, terror, and evolution of radically violent times of warfare.

Yes, in these days of one-quarter of our country in the hog's mire of the Orange-Swamp-Creature, who live in a Jim-Crow mentality, and impose Jim-Crow wherever they can control the instruments of POWER to impose their disease upon others, we should learn lessons of survival in a life that, if not WELL lived, certainly was a life lived wisely and with pleasure. Yes:

"Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose."

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I think very few people believe that justice will be served anywhere in this Country!!! It is so frustrating that people die due to skin color!! It’s infuriating! Then we have a treason weasel like trump, who should have been locked up already, but still out creating chaos every damn day he’s free! Hole these people accountable. I hope the kick Cannon to the curb & fast. She is incompetent in every way. She most definitely should be removed & her so called Judgeship burned. My dog knows more court procedures than Cannon knows. How did SHE even pass the Bar Exam??!!!!

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