Ahhhh....what valuable information! I'm not going to buy one damn thing...well, food. 😝 I dont need anything and screw these people and their greed. I also STRONGLY encourage everyone to buy from makers and local craftsmen. Let the big box stores twist in the wind. Your uncle voted for this crap... let him enjoy it. 🙄

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"I also STRONGLY encourage everyone to buy from makers and local craftsmen." This is a terrific idea, maybe you can do an article on this and heavily promote it across social media. I would help get the message out as well.

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Good plan-I'll look at it. And your essay here was truly important....thank you!

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NP *hugs*

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I love you both and will absolutely support this!!! How can I help?🫶🏼

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Love to you, too, sweet Sis! I think once Susan gets something going, we can share it and let it go viral—that way, the idea might grow some legs.

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Well, there are no local coffee growers, or makers for most things. We also see the field workers at our local scenic farmstand (often praised in articles for tourists)- and how they're treated - and all the flies crawling over the pies. Not all local is worth it.

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That's true. So don't buy the pie with the flies. Coffee isnt locally grown...I get that, too. But there are craft shows and farmers markets and small businesses who might offer a better alternative for a gift or for something you might want. Soaps, teas, scarves, sweaters, the list is endless. Personally, I have way too much crap. I dont need to go to Walmart and get more. My goal is to divest myself of many of the "things" that are cluttering up the closet and donate them, for example. Every little thing helps.

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I also STRONGLY encourage everyone to buy from makers and local craftsmen who are not trumpers hell-bent on breaking everything.

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Absolutely right. But avoid the MAGA small shops.

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You bet.

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I’d have to drive hours to tell some in the family to go fuck themselves, so we’re not.. luckily the ones nearer to home are unanimous in being both informed and even more disgusted with the traitor plutocracy..

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I am happy you won't have to deal with it--we are keeping it small and staying home this year.

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Wisdom. Pure wisdom. 😘

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And you know what else went up on Amazon? Canning jars! So those of us who want to put up veggies and soups will pay more. I just moved and wanted to replace jars left behind. I had to work to find a normal price. I knew that would happen. I woke up the morning after some bad news the night before about what would happen to the economy with deportations, and sure enough the prices had just gone up. Way beyond what they did during COVID.

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Holy crap--start stocking up gang!

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I ordered what I think I will need but with no garden I’ll be doing less. But I’ve moved to the land of fresh!

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Well the labs if fresh till 45 dues his evil deeds. We had better all learn how to harvest.

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We save and reuse pickle jars. It is possible to get canning lids for many jars that one gets from a pickle purchase, etc.

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A terrific idea.

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Everything gets reused here too. But I’m picky when I’m canning. A good fit for the lids matters. I’ve seen enough food poisoning vids in nutrition classes to be very careful. I take care of my canning jars and they will last a long time.

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Agreed safety first. I am lucky cause my chef oversees all of the canning. He feels comfortable with reusing jars, but he's a pro. Good point and thx.

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I reuse my canning jars and I freeze things in them. But I’m sure your chef knows what is safe! I was mostly annoyed that Amazon took advantage of the potential deportation of people so vital to our economy. On the other hand I’d bet they are paid too little for the work they do. It seems so wrong. I did find a better price away from Amazon. I had to look for it though.

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That's a great idea for the freezer reuse. Will pass it on. 👍

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They sold their souls for nothing.

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Yup--so make them eat it alongside those tasty-buttered buns!

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I'm worried about, and stocking up on, coffee! Can't imagine that any imported foodstuff will be spared. And without coffee, my day will get very ugly!

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You should have the t-shirt I just got; "Cats and coffee make me less murdery."

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Yep. The trolls trying to argue the tariffs will protect US manufacturing think they're so clever but they are idiots.

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Looks like these morons are gonna have to learn the hard way. Won't you join me in laughing in their general direction when they do.

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Yes, I too will join in the laugh in.

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I believe it's "fart in their general direction," but laughing works too.

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Many years ago I came upon a recipe for making laundry detergent. I tried it and it worked out well. Should probably revisit.

I also grow veggies, but usually do it from seed. I also have a neighbor who grows starts that I’ve had good luck with.

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We grow blueberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Time to expand our garden...

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Indeed! I do blackberries, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini. This year I added green beans and blueberries.

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Those are mostly what I refer to as First Level casualties. When the prices of Medical Supplies and Equipment and electronics and office supplies and… go up, so will your health insurance premiums, cost of medications, cost of medical equipment made from metals - crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, etc. I can hardly wait for the prices of insulin to go back up.

Years ago someone was bitching about how much the rabies shot for their dog cost, because the vaccine is cheap. I pointed out that we were sitting in an air conditioned room about to see a trained/licensed veterinarian and her paid staff, who would need to use syringes and other supplies to give the shot, then clean the room. And the visit cost may not even cover all of that.

Damn Americans are dumb.

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A magat proudly announced to me that Insulin is $26 at Walmart. Said magat had no idea that was thanks to Biden/Harris. I told him I would check back with him next year to see how he's liking his next amputation. Super Idiots vote for the GQP

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You’d think with all their guns they could reliably hit something besides their own foot.

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For future reference folks:

Some stores host a mobile/traveling shot clinic.

Usually in the parking lot. Fast and reasonably priced.

Usually some kind of farm store or animal shop. Perhaps a pet shop. Hunting or fishing store.

I have seen them hosted at tractor supply once per month near us.

Out in the parking lot. You pay the clinic. You don’t have to spend any money at tractor supply. I know many people are boycotting lots of stores.

The clinic is just using the parking.

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List of things to stock up on, for sure!!!!!!!!!!

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Alicia Norman: The REAL cost of Trump: the HUMAN cost.

The HUMAN cost in race-baiting.

The HUMAN cost in a spike of violence to minorities.

The HUMAN cost of Tom Horman's sadistic, cruel assaults upon immigrants -- to intern them; to separate little children from their loving, protective moms.

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Illegal immigrants! You're not paying attention.

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Anyone think that maybe he won't actually raise tariffs? He obviously doesn't know what tariffs are but his handlers do. They let him say whatever he wanted on the campaign trail because they knew nothing he said or did would change the minds of people who were planning to vote for him. But they could certainly present it as something that will be very difficult to do amd he'll likely get bored and choose to do something easier, like reinstate the 1776.gov website his administration put up...

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I can only hope you are right.

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Only buy what you actually NEED. There's a difference between actual NEEDS and wants. Get out of personal debt as soon as possible. STOP USING CREDIT CARDS for 'wants'. Americans are drowning in credit card debt to the tune of 1.6 trillion dollars. READ THAT AGAIN. 1.6 TRILLION DOLLARS. Ask yourself who's PRIMARILY BENEFITING from that?

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Maga too stupid to put together that egg prices went up because of Avian flu. Instead, now everything will go up & they will blame…who? Not their orange overlord.

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I applaud the idea of buying local whenever possible, but I'm afraid too many things we rely on either come from too far away to get locally, or are made at least partly of things that come from other countries. We can all tighten our belts and support local industry whenever possible, but too much of what we need is intertwined with stuff that will be subject to tariffs, so the prices of everything, even local stuff that has ingredients, materials, or components from other countries will go up.

This is a gesture worth doing, and we certainly don't need half the stuff we buy that often becomes so much clutter or landfill material. Unfortunately, durable goods are very hard to source with only US-sourced materials and components. Therefore, things like tools and computers will get more expensive, and we will be hard pressed to do without them when they wear out. Food can be had locally sourced, especially, if we learn to make more ourselves. However, the evil twin to tariffs, mass deportations, will ensure that all food prices go up, since most of the people who harvest our food will no longer be here, causing massive food shortages as crops rot in the fields.

I just wish this only fucked the morons who voted this guy in, but it's going to fuck all of us, until we get him and his evil clown car out of office.

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Thank you for that list.

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No problem :-)

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Coffee. Chocolate. Bananas. Black pepper. Cinnamon. Pumpkin spice. Ginger. Turmeric. A majority of frozen blueberries. Off-season apples, peaches, asparagus, citrus, many more.

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