Something ain't right in DumFuckistan...
Tucker Carlson/Putin Interview a new sign of the coming apocalypse
First, let's get something out on the way. The MAGA movement on the ground is steeped in mass hysteria and insanity—there are far too many supporters whose Mamas oopsie-baby-fall-down a bit too much in their formative years. However, we do ourselves a disservice to dismiss them all.
The idiots holding signs that say “Get a brain morans” are merely the grunts on the ground. Far more intelligent people may be in the shadows, playing these useful morans for a grander purpose.
Constitutional Democratic Republics don’t die easy—they die hard and incrementally. Violence is stoked and wielded with purpose. Crafting a long-game, multi-pronged approach takes acumen and a Machiavellian bent.
It takes subterfuge, cunning, and endless greed.
It takes double agents and false allies—a change in the body politik mindset.
These shifts might take years to build, but when the time to topple comes nigh—and the lemmings are ripe and sufficiently groomed—the agents of manufactured chaos strike!
Then, *snaps fingers* like that—almost as softly as a kiss, a Republic could fall, and too many will applaud it.
An ominous pattern
Ever since I was a girl, I have been fascinated with patterns. I am told I could likely be autistic—it makes sense as my son Orion is autistic, and the trait has a tendency to come from a child’s parent.
Autistic minds seek out spatial designs and repetitions in a variety of ways.
I picked up patterns in music, art, and writing—taught myself to read at age six. It wasn’t because of the words so much as the patterns of words. I liked how these things connected—how one piece fit into another piece, and suddenly, I had a story. Or a song—or a picture.
I look at what is happening in the world, and I see patterns—dark ones.
There seems to be this—movement. A positioning in the four corners of the earth that is intelligent and insidious.
Old monsters, new game
In the modern era, especially after the formation of global alliances, fascist regimes have a tendency to die quickly. The Khmer Rouge was a radical communist movement that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The German Reich lasted a little over a decade, existing between the years of 1933 and 1945. These regimes were met with gutsy resistance, mainly because good people and strong countries banded together to crush them.
Folks truly abhor evil.
But what if you could subdue allies—turn them away from each other? What if you could install, or attempt to install, leaders with similar political ideologies in key nations where various strains of democracies try to thrive, like Brazil, Turkey, France, and even Australia?
You’d be able to hold on to power longer. Where would people be able to run—to turn? If you also erased history and, with it, a study and blueprint of the mechanisms used to defeat such regimes—?
An international autocracy could theoretically thrive longer than the previous localized ones. Instead of an alliance of good, you’d have an alliance of evil.
The game design used here is as old as time, as Sun Tsu’s political manifesto The Art of War reveals. Among the famed pages, one can locate far too familiar themes and political chess movements like:
“Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.”
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
But this one really stands out:
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
Imagine if Sun Tsu had the internet and an army of trolls. Or, I don't know—a highly watched news channel known for churning out propaganda so ratchet that it could make a tan suit seem like a sign of the antichrist?
This brings us to Tuckems and his upcoming, obsequious interview with Putin.
MAGA BS is a distraction
Ever wonder why people keep falling on their swords for Smellvis Von Schittzenpants (thanks for the one, Michael Cohen, lol!)
Well, what if Trumpkin was just the dancing fool sent to infuriate and entertain us? What if he was only the proceeding battering ram being used to bludgeon the world before those hungry for power came to pick among the remains of each Republic and share their ill-gotten bounty?
The masterminds driving the bus will be the kind of folks with a predilection toward autocracies, like, let’s say, Putin. He would want to coordinate with individuals who have a large audience who can soften his evil message—mainstream it.
Like, let’s say, Tucker Carlson.
They won’t hide what they are doing either. No need—that makes it seem suspicious; the best criminals and con men perform their sleights of hand right in front of you.
The interview won’t be the first time Tucker Carlson tongue kissed an autocrat on live TV— he immensely enjoys an occasional tête-à-tête with Hungarian Prime Viktor Mihály Orbán ( Viktor Orbán - Wikipedia)
Orbán’s ties to Putin are well-documented, and both enthusiastically employ heavy-handed, oppressive, and sometimes deadly tactics against critics and the LGBTQ+ community.
Back suckling at Putin’s teat, Carlson and the Russian despot will likely go over whatever plan they are trying to see through (behind the scenes). But make no bones about it. They have a plan. It may not be a good or smart plan—but they have a plan.
If it succeeds—well—that is primarily up to us.
Kari Lake praises Tucker Carlson’s move
If Alina Habba is Trump’s Purse Poodle, Kari Lake is Trump’s Call-Me-Girl. You know the type. She stands off the side of an event, trying to get the object of her desire’s attention so she can make the “call me” hand gesture. They never get the message that dude just ain’t that into them.
Desperate to please the Trumpian powers that be, the Arizona Republican candidate recently went on one of those faux patriot conservative programs (Jack Posobeic—barf!) where she defended Tucker Carlson's anticipated interview with Vladimir Putin.
During an appearance on Real America's Voice on Wednesday, Lake suggested Carlson and Putin would give Americans the truth about the war in Ukraine.
"And what we're seeing with shows like yours, Jack, and Real America's Voice and some of these others we've mentioned, and Tucker is an entire interview," Lake told host Jack Posobiec. "But you can then watch the interview as it played out and make your own assessment of the facts."
"And this is the problem with nobody being willing to interview Putin," she continued. "Or if they did, we know it would be some slanted piece. Tucker's gonna go in there. And I have no doubt in my mind he asked tough questions."
Lake said Americans "deserve to have answers" about aid provided for Ukraine to fight a Russian invasion. — Raw Story
Wow. Republicans went from Red Scare to Red Care, embracing authoritarianism so tightly it is likely to scream, “Stranger Danger!”
I say all this not to frighten but to enlighten—we cannot win this war if we do not understand what battle we are fighting. We are wrestling for the soul of this nation.
The coming election will be a world-shattering struggle of good against evil—America is the oldest Democratic stronghold—it must prevail.
Of course, we could apply Hanlon’s Razor to the entire state of affairs, which simply states: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
The tiresome nationwide shrieking could simply be from a bunch of whiny, cosplaying idiots and money-grubbers doing idiotic, money-grubbing things as an ex-reality star turned POTUS attempts to become a dictator in an effort to avoid going to jail.
But what if something bigger is happening?
Well, do not despair—we keep our eyes open, remain clear-eyed, feisty, and ready to fucking fight!
In the interim, keep friends close and enemies closer—never trust a gift from the opposition, and understand there are people out there who care more about power than peace.
We cannot give them that power. Recognize that, like most demons, the only power they can wield is what we give them. If we stay alert, we could win this thing—but never take what we have and what we won for granted or next time, we may not be so lucky.
Putin’s fingerprints are all over these idiots and events. These are treasonous weasels.
Great article, sis, and so true!!! I do not believe for one second that he’s going there with any kind of good intention people listen to that fuckhead and Putin knows damn well what side fuckems bread is buttered. Tucker is going to go in there and suck on the dick of Russia to try to benefit not only Trump but the extremists he and his party have created. I agree we stay vigilant and keep our eye on the ball and keep our ears to the ground for any bullshit information. We might hear that could affect the goodness of our democracy.